User Profile #224651

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To contact me please DM me on discord at AndreiIoan#3400
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If you want to exit your comfort zone of boring convoy and have an amazing unforgettable experience, you can participate at any of our events organized or supervised by OCSC Event using this link:

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If you are searching for a VTC with members from many countries having fun together with ETS2, ATS and other games join Fast Cargo VTC:


Ca sa iei legatura cu mine poti sa dai un add pe discord la AndreiIoan#3400.
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Daca vreti sa iesiti din zona de confort a romaniei si sa aveti experiente de neuitat, puteti participa la oricare dintre evenimentele organizate sau supervizate de OSCS Event prin urmatorul link:

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Daca esti in cautarea unei companii cu membri din diferite tarii care se distreaza impreuna in ETS2, ATS dar si alte jocuri, alatura-te noua prin urmatorul link:
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
Awards 0
No awards were received.

Premium activated

until 06/10/2021

Company joined

Company joined