1.4.19 [241201]
1.4.18 [240915]
1.4.17 [240515]
1.4.16 [240428]
- User Profile - added support for animated gifs in user avatar (for premium users)
- User Profile - added pagination for the overview of followers/following
- User Profile - reworked minimap with last known position into the free movement form
- Job Detail - added display of events within the route tracking (only for job deliveries from the TB Client 1.5.0+)
- Job Detail - added tooltip listing the server for job deliveries from TruckersMP (only for job deliveries from the TB Client 1.5.0+)
- Job Detail - added tooltip with how many percent of the job was driven in convoy mode (only for job deliveries from the TB Client 1.5.0+)
- Job Detail - added row with in-game profile (visible only for the job delivery owner)
- Create Company - added ability to select a country and added warning messages
- Company Wall - added support for uploading .webp images
- Forum - added breadcrumbs navigation and adjusted the header layout
- Forum > Category - added follow button in action buttons
- Forum > Category, Category Archive, Last Activity - added ability to filter followed topics
- Forum > Last Activity - added pagination and action buttons
- Steam Workshop - added and updated some mods
- Others - added informative email after account deactivation
- Others - added compatibility with PHP 8.3
- Others - hundreds of fixes, tweaks, improvements and optimizations of code
1.4.15 [231214]
- Map - updated map of ATS and ETS2 (Winterland)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (Winterland)
1.4.14 [231129]
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.49, Kansas)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.49, Kansas, Farm Machinery)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.49, Kansas, Farm Machinery)
1.4.13 [231018]
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.48.5, West Balkans)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.48.5, West Balkans)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.48.5, West Balkans)
1.4.12 [231008]
- Main Page - added link to the official Discord server
- Main Page - added calendar in the daily overview after clicking on the day
- User Profile - added information about who gifted the premium account in the timeline
- Notifications, Settings - added notifications about gifted premium account, about new follower and about new job application
- Settings - divided notifications selection into categories
- Job Detail - added display of the truck brand logo
- Job Detail - added columns with speed and distance to the overview of joint deliveries
- User Awards, Company Awards - added display of distance for the awards
- Company Profile - added ability to follow a company
- Company Profile - added overview of followers
- Log Overview - added column with real time taken
- Log Overview - added real time taken to the summary
- Company Statistics - added selection of "all/followed" to the filter
- Player Statistics - added option in the filter to display current colleagues only
- Company List, User List - added column with the number of followers (along with the ability to sort)
- Company List, User List - added "My country" selection in the filtering by country
- Forum - added ability to search among posts
- Forum - added history icon to edited post with the time of last change
- Forum - added limit for editing topics (cannot edit locked topics or after 24 hours since posting)
- Forum - added limit for editing posts (cannot edit posts in a locked topic or after 24 hours since posting)
- Wiki - added new languages
- Others - reworked button with job application request (now the button is visible to everyone and if the request cannot be added, the corresponding reason is displayed in the tooltip)
- Others - added alphabetical sorting of bulk listed items according to the rules of the selected language (e.g. selection of countries, cities, cargoes, etc.)
- Others - added more supported colors in BB code (cornflowerblue|greenyellow|rosybrown|royalblue|tomato)
- Others - added more tools for moderators
- Others - optimized speed of generating data for graphs and awards, also they are now available immediately after the end of the previous month
- Others - updated framework to Bootstrap v5.3.2 and adjusted the appearance
- Others - updated icons set
- Others - hundreds of fixes, tweaks, improvements and optimizations of code
1.4.11 [230807]
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.48)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.48)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.48)
1.4.10 [230801]
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.48, Oklahoma)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.48, Oklahoma)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.48, Oklahoma)
1.4.9 [230418]
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.47)
- Logbook - updated companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.47)
- Dispatch - updated companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.47)
1.4.8 [230311]
- User Profile - added overview of followers and followed users
- User Profile - redesigned display of limits, added statistics type and global limit
- User Profile - grouped statistics into one section, added graphs and all-time view
- Forum - added pagination for search results
- Others - added information about new offer to the company's Discord webhook general channel
- Others - added information about new convoy for company members to notifications and to the company's Discord webhook general channel
- Others - added compatibility with PHP 8.2
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks, performance optimizations
1.4.7 [221220]
- Added new "Tracking Overview" page displaying an overview of all route trackings of jobs driven in the selected month (for premium users)
- Added new "Activity Log" page displaying delivered jobs of your colleagues and followed users in a different view than standard logbook
- User Profile - added ability to follow a user
- User Profile - moved buttons for other actions to the new drop-down menu (...)
- User Profile - added display of the current driven distance in the status during active job
- User Profile, Premium - added ability to gift premium to users outside the company
- Settings - added settings of personal Discord webhooks (ATS and ETS2 channels)
- Logbook - redesigned header layout
- Logbook - added button linking the page with tracking overview of the selected month
- Logbook - added possibility of bulk export of route trackings of the selected month
- Logbook - added columns with accepted distance and real time taken
- Logbook - added row with the real time taken to the summaries
- Logbook, Log Overview - added field with real time taken to CSV export
- Job Detail - redesigned header layout, added company logo
- Job Detail - moved buttons for other actions to the new drop-down menu (...)
- Job Detail - added button to lock/unlock view on the user's point when moving with the route tracking
- Job Detail - added display of the current driven distance in the route tracking
- Company Profile - moved buttons for other actions to the new drop-down menu (...)
- Company Profile - grouped statistics into one section, added all-time view
- Company Profile - updated libraries for graphs
- Company Wall - reworked display of older comments
- Log Overview - page made available to everyone, regardless of position or membership in the company
- Log Overview - added section with user summaries (former "Internal Statistics" page)
- Log Overview - unified filter, removed obsolete search
- Map - added button to lock/unlock view on the selected user's point
- Map - added display of initial and target companies in the user detail during active job
- Map - added display of TMP server in the user detail when currently playing TMP
- Country Statistics, Company Statistics - added overview table with month selection after clicking on the month
- Player Statistics - added selection of "all/colleagues/followed" to the filter (former "Statistics Within Company" page)
- Convoy - added button to lock/unlock view on the selected user's point
- User's Posts - added pagination
- Others - improved layout of the modal with the request to join a company
- Others - reworked pagination, improved appearance and usability on mobile view
- Others - reworked search function and all search fields, unified appearance
- Others - reworked processing of links
- Others - grouped buttons for month selection and game selection, improved usability on mobile view
- Others - unified order of metrics in statistics/overviews (distance is at the top)
- Others - hundreds of fixes, tweaks, improvements and optimizations of code
1.4.6 [221114]
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.46, Texas)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.46, Texas)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.46, Texas)
1.4.5 [221016]
- Main Page - added daily overview for loners
- User Profile - added Discord name display along with a copy button
- Settings - added ability to add the Discord name
- Logbook, Log Overview - added fields with truck and license plates to CSV export
- Job Detail - added information about the real time required to complete the job
- Dispatch > My jobs - added ability to access the page for loners
- Dispatch > My jobs - added ability to create a job for yourself regardless of position in the company
- Dispatch > My jobs - added overview of convoy offers
- Player Statistics - added an overview table with month selection after clicking on the month
- Convoy - added ability to create job offers for convoys
- Convoy - added ability to create a private invite-only convoy
- Premium - added Apple Pay and Click to Pay payment methods
- Others - added more supported colors in BB code (darkviolet|lawngreen|mediumpurple|mediumspringgreen|orangered|steelblue)
- Others - reworked function for displaying icons next to the user's nickname
- Others - updated framework to Bootstrap v5.2 and customized the whole appearance
- Others - hundreds of fixes, tweaks, improvements and optimizations of code
1.4.4 [220801]
- Settings - changed the password change tab to the security tab and added a section with multi-factor authentication
- User Awards - added total overview and divided the page between games and years
- Logbook - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.45 and Montana)
- Company Profile - added graphs for distance and number of deliveries in monthly statistics
- Company Profile - added graphs of the displayed company for comparison with your own company
- Company Awards - added total overview and divided the page between games and years
- Employees - added ability to block user from applying to join your company
- Dispatch - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.45 and Montana)
- Map - updated maps of ATS and ETS2 (v1.45 and Montana)
- Map - added experimental speedometer themes for DAF and Freightliner/Mercedes trucks
- Company List - added column with the number of awards (along with the ability to sort) and removed the obsolete columns with rank
- User List - added column with the number of awards and removed the obsolete columns with the rank
- User List - added ascending/descending sorting of the table by ID, nickname and number of awards
- Premium - updated prices
- Others - added two-factor login verification via code sent by email
- Others - added display of the changelog after website update with all versions since the user's last visit, instead of only the latest version
- Others - added more supported colors in BB code (crimson|deeppink|deepskyblue|dodgerblue|firebrick)
- Others - updated framework to Bootstrap v5.1 on certain pages (changelog, notifications, create company, administration)
- Others - added compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Others - updated icons set
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks, performance optimizations
1.4.3 [220512]
- Map - updated maps of ATS and ETS2 (v1.44)
- Logbook - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.44)
- Dispatch - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.44)
1.4.2 [220325]
- User Profile, Settings - added ability to add link to the TruckersMP profile
- Settings - added display of the associated Steam account and a label with instructions for changing it
- Job Detail - added ability to export tracking of the delivery route
- Job Detail - added characters counter for the job description
- Create Company - added characters counter for the company description
- Company Profile - added selection by year/last 12 months to modals with graphs and improved their appearance
- Company Profile - added display of instructions in the application form to join the company
- Dispatch > Manage Jobs - added characters counter for the offer description
- Company Settings - added ability to add text that will be displayed to users in the application form to join the company
- Company Settings - added information about the maximum length of the tag
- Convoy - added history of changes (of name, date and description)
- Convoy - added ability to remove a participant by a founder/organizer
- Company List - added ascending/descending sorting of the table by ID, name or number of employees
- Notifications - added notification of a change in the convoy, if it's changed by an organizer
- Home Page - reinstated the option to resend the activation email directly from the login modal along with a more attractive format, also for ban information
- Others - added settings of user cookies to display external images and videos added by users
- Others - added ability to import expired tracking of a delivery route (via button in footer)
- Others - added display of the changelog after website update
- Others - improved automatic detection of links in texts
- Others - differentiated settings of the global company limit or the limit for individual games in notifications/webhook
- Others - completely redesigned email template
- Others - updated icons set
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks
1.4.1 [211231]
- Added cookies settings and Cookies Policy page
- Job Detail - added option to select/deselect all joint deliveries at once
- Map - added display of the number of players next to the list of players
- Forum - added display of the topic author in topic listings (last activity, category, category archive)
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks
1.4.0 [211212]
- Home Page - the entire login form takes place without reloading the page
- Registration, Reactivation, Settings - reworked password validation, added password length information, password must now contain at least 8 characters
- Main Page - changed today's overview to daily overview, added hint with a description of the daily overviev
- Main Page - added listing of daily overview
- User Profile - added ability to dismiss a user or adjust their position in the company directly on the user's profile
- Settings - added characters counter for the description
- Logbook - added export to CSV option for individual users
- Logbook - updated cities, companies, cargoes and Special Transport routes (v1.43)
- Job Detail - added overview of jobs driven together in convoys (joint deliveries)
- Job Detail - added common display of player positions in the route tracking for the joint deliveries
- Job Detail - completely redesigned display of the route tracking (loading, functional elements on the screen, player detail, direction display, fullscreen mode)
- Job Detail - improved line visualization in the tracking when using ferry/teleport
- Company Profile - added minimum required time to leave a company 12 hours after entering it
- Company Profile - added minimum required time of 24 hours before a user can apply to join a company/create a company after leaving the previous company
- Company Wall - added display of the position of the author of the post in the company
- Company Wall - split "like" button and the display of number/list of "likes"
- Employees - added filtering of the list of employees by name and position
- Employees - added description of adjustable permissions among individual positions in the user edit modal according to their setting
- Dispatch - updated cities, companies, cargoes and Special Transport routes (v1.43)
- Log Overview - added fields with date and time to CSV export
- Company Settings - added permission settings section (and tweaked the order of sections)
- Company Settings - added minimal position settings for adding posts on the company wall
- Company Settings - added minimal position settings for pinning posts on the company wall
- Company Settings - added minimal position settings for deleting individual messages in the company chat
- Company Settings - added minimal position settings for bulk deletion of messages in the company chat
- Company Settings - added the ability to test the general Discord webhook channel
- Company Settings - added characters counter for the description and rules
- Map - completely redesigned pages with a map (loading, functional elements on the screen, player detail, direction display, fullscreen mode)
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.43)
- Convoys - added filter for server type
- Convoys - added "show more" button in the list of my convoys (if you participate in more than 5 convoys)
- Convoy - added live map for premium users (shows all convoy participants on one map in convoy detail; it's available 1 hour before the start of the convoy; it ends 24 hours after the start of the convoy)
- Convoy - added automatic refresh of the list of participants (every minute)
- Convoy - added characters counter for the convoy description (and increased the limit to 50000 characters)
- Forum - improved page layout
- Forum - added ability to follow a topic (set using the button; author of the topic and the replying user are following it automatically)
- Forum - added space for a notice above the list of topics in the category
- Forum - added BB code buttons when creating a new topic
- Forum - added character counter for the message when creating a new topic, editing a post and replying to a topic
- Forum - moved forms for adding and editing a topic to a modal
- Premium - completely redesigned page layout, description, payment methods and premium types
- Order Premium - reworked premium account order process (now allows you to order premium with any duration and for any number of colleagues within one order)
- Invoice, Order - adjusted for orders of multiple premiums at once, improved page layout
- Others - added ability to scroll the side menu separately
- Others - added display of active filter in the form of an icon (Company Statistics, Player Statistics, Company List, User List, Convoys)
- Others - added information to the modals regarding the time limits when entering the company/leaving the company/dismissing an employee (User Profile, Company Profile, Create Company, Employees, Company Settings)
- Others - added support for transparency in PNG images (User Profile, Company Profile, Company Wall, Convoys)
- Others - updated framework to Bootstrap v4.6 (v5.1 on introductory pages) and customized the whole appearance
- Others - added compatibility with PHP 8
- Others - hundreds of fixes, tweaks, improvements and optimizations of code
1.3.8 [210907]
- Map - updated map of ATS (Wyoming)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.41 and Wyoming)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.41 and Wyoming)
1.3.7 [210403]
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.40 and Iberia)
- Logbook - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.40 and Iberia)
- Dispatch - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.40 and Iberia)
1.3.6 [201230]
- Added another type of statistics counting WoTr job deliveries only
- Main page - added link in the personal and company overview to the position in the statistics
- Main page - added tooltip for the limit in the personal overview about which statistics the limit applies to
- User Profile, User Awards - added awards for WoTr statistics
- Company Profile - added display of WoTr statistics in the monthly overview
- Company Profile - added rank progression charts for race and WoTr statistics; the chart now also contains the position in the current month
- Company Profile - tweaked the display of limits in the company rules about which statistics the limit applies to
- Company Profile, Company Awards - added awards for WoTr statistics
- Employees - added display of a limit from WoTr statistics
- Employees - added positions in the list of former employees
- Company Settings - added option to set the limit from WoTr statistics
- Statistics - added display of WoTr statistics
- Statistics - added statistics type and country (if available) to the page title
- Others - reworked code for sending webhooks
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks
1.3.5 [201208]
- Dispatch - added support for ProMods Canada modification
- Dispatch > Manage Jobs - tweaked DLC overview and mod selection when creating a job/offer
- Company settings - added option to select style of a webhook
- Company settings - added distance and currency units settings for webhooks
- Others - minor bug fixes, code modifications
1.3.4 [201128]
- Main Page - added filtering for today's overview (total, ETS2, ATS)
- User Profile - added history of the user's country changes (and modified the appearance of the window)
- User Profile - added account deactivation/reactivation to profile history (timeline)
- Settings - added time limit for changing country (once a month)
- Settings - added ability to select the default game (in global settings) that will be displayed primarily on the website
- Logbook, Job Detail, Log Overview - added information in the form of an icon, in which statistics the job delivery is included (real, race, invalid, uncategorized) + blue coloring for WoTr
- Job Detail - added possibility to add a note to your delivery (the note can be edited only by the owner of the job, the note is visible to everyone)
- Company Profile - added link in the monthly overview to the position in the statistics
- Dispatch > My Jobs - added list of offers
- Dispatch > My Jobs - added highlighting of the job/offer after clicking on the notification for a new job/offer
- Dispatch > Manage Jobs - added offers
- Dispatch > Manage Jobs - modified name, improved navigation (switching between created/accepted/delivered/...)
- Log Overview - added option to filter WoTr job deliveries only
- Log Overview - added option to select fields and units within the export to a CSV file
- Company Settings - added time limit for changing company name (once every 14 days) and country (once a month)
- Statistics - reworked selection of time period, added option to show all-time statistics
- Forum - added section archive, and the first section you see now depends on the selected language
- Forum - moved buttons, improved functions for moderators (archiving the topic, locking the topic without refreshing the page, moving the post)
- Premium - added option to purchase premium account using Google Pay
- Notification - added notification about a new offer in the dispatch
- Notification - added notification that someone fired someone from the company (visible only to representatives and higher roles)
- Homepage - added ability to enlarge images next to the feature descriptions
- Homepage - added asynchronous form submissions (sending address for password recovery, password recovery, registration and account reactivation)
- Wiki - added overview of frequently asked questions with links
- Contact Us - added complete support system based on tickets
- Others - modified appearance of the side menu (size and style of tabs)
- Others - improved various icons on the website
- Others - updated library on pages available without login
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks
1.3.3 [201111]
- Map - updated map of ATS (Colorado)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.39 and Colorado)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.39 and Colorado)
1.3.2 [200715]
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.38 and Idaho)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.38 and Idaho)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.38 and Idaho)
1.3.1 [200501]
- Homepage - added more information about ban when trying to log in (for banned users)
- User Profile - added type of leaving the company to the history (leaving on their own/dismissal)
- Settings - name can now be changed only once every 14 days
- Company Profile - fixed page layout (word wrapping and display of employee list on small screens, statistics)
- Company Profile - optimized page loading
- Employees - added ability to change the position of an employee to the owner
- Company Settings - added new general channel for Discord webhook (information about what is happening in the company)
- Company Settings - added ability to remove the company logo
- Convoys - added BB codes editor for convoy description
- Convoys - added automatic participation when creating a convoy with the possibility to not participate
- Convoys - changed filtering by local time zone, not by server time zone
- Convoys - optimized page loading
- User List - added filtering by position
- Forum - added pagination in categories
- Forum - added simple overview of statistics and recent user posts
- Forum - moved button to create a new topic to the upper part
- Menu - added number of convoys in which the user participates in the next 48 hours
- Others - minor bug fixes, code tweaks
1.3.0 [191223]
- Added "Notifications" page with a top panel view
- Added "User List" page
- Main Page - Added company overview
- Main Page - Redesigned overview panels
- Main Page - Daily overview shows more deliveries and total sum
- Main Page - Added overview of livestreams by company employees or by TrucksBook
- Logbook - Redesigned overview panels
- User Profile - Added history of used names
- Settings - Completely redesigned layout
- Settings - Added notifications settings
- Settings - Added ability to remove avatar
- Settings - Added ability to deactivate (and then reactivate) the account
- Company Profile - Added history of used names
- Company Wall - Moved to a separate section
- Company Wall - Tweaked design of the post and image form
- Chat - Moved from the side menu to the top panel
- Employees - Added overview of global limit
- Dispatch - Added support for ProMods modification
- Dispatch - Added expiration of deliveries
- Dispatch - Added planned distance of the created job
- Dispatch - Added possibility to automatically fill new delivery according to previous added delivery
- Dispatch - Added subpage "My deliveries" with the list of deliveries received from dispatchery
- Internal Statistics - Added display of both games together
- Internal Statistics - Redesigned filter layout
- Log Overview - Redesigned overview panels
- Log Overview - Redesigned filter layout
- Company Settings - Completely redesigned layout
- Company Settings - Added settings of global limit
- Country Statistics - Fixed display of country flags
- Company List - Redesigned filter layout
- Others - Added ability to install the website as an application (PWA)
- Others - Added BB codes editor to all places where it can be used
- Others - Added yearly awards for driven distance
- Others - Limited usable characters for user and company names
- Others - Fixed page layout errors
- Others - Many other minor fixes and tweaks
1.2.7 [191203]
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (Road to the Black Sea)
- Logbook - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (Road to the Black Sea)
1.2.6 [191102]
- Map - updated maps of ATS and ETS2 (v1.36, Corsica and Utah)
- Logbook - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ATS and ETS2 (v1.36, Corsica and Utah)
1.2.5 [190630]
- Main Page - added accepted distance to today's overview
- Logbook - added month overview
- Settings - updated currency rates
- Settings - added CAD, RUB and MXN currencies
- Settings - added global settings of distance units
- Settings - tweaked layout
- Company Profile - divided overview into total, real and race
- Company Profile - moved limits to the rules
- Log Overview - added planned distance, job type, dispatch and job ID to the CSV file
- Forum - added topic searching
- Forum - added moderating and language sections
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks
1.2.4 [190611]
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.35 and Washington)
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.35)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.35, Washington and Forest Machinery)
- Logbook - updated cities from ETS2 (v1.35)
- Dispatch - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.35, Washington and Forest Machinery)
- Dispatch - updated cities from ETS2 (v1.35)
1.2.3 [181207]
- Added Dispatch page
- Added Steam Workshop page
- Main Page - added service status overview
- Main Page - added BB codes support
- Job Detail - added label for jobs from the dispatcher
- Player Profile - added overview of owned DLCs
- Player Profile - adjusted bans listing
- Player Profile - added BB codes support
- Company Profile - added date of profile creation
- Company Profile - added BB codes support and highlighted links for company description
- Employees - added dispatcher position
- Employees - added access to Internal Statistics and Log Overview for representatives
- Company Settings - added ETS2 and ATS webhook (Discord)
- Map - updated map of ETS2 (v1.33 a Beyond the Baltic Sea)
- Logbook - updated cities, companies and cargoes from ETS2 (v1.33 a Beyond the Baltic Sea)
- Menu - added missing icons for links
- Others - added support for [u][/u] tag (BB codes)
- Others - bug fixes, code tweaks
1.2.2 [181004]
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.32 and Oregon)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.32 and Oregon)
1.2.1 [180801]
- Main Page - added post pinning
- Main Page - added post detail
- User Profile - added awards for users
- Settings - added theme selection
- Settings - tweaked layout
- Company Profile - added rules
- Company Profile - added current rank
- Company Profile - added total driven distance
- Company Profile - added total delivered jobs
- Company Profile - added rank progression chart
- Company Profile - tweaked company management design
- Company Settings - added rules privacy settings
- Premium - added ability to buy premium for a colleague within company
- Premium - added email about premium order payment
- Premium - added email about premium activation by another user
- Others - added dark theme
- Others - added/updated icons
- Others - added maintenance mode
- Others - deleted company overview
1.2.0 [180715]
- Homepage - added opening video
- Homepage - added option to resend the activation email
- Homepage - moved language selection to footer
- Homepage - updated highlight features
- Main Page - added limit distance overview
- Main Page - added loading of posts on the wall
- Main Page - added dialogue when deleting posts
- Main Page - added time of comment publishing
- Main page - added fuzzy time
- Main Page - improved likes on posts
- Main Page - modified posts design
- Main Page - updated texts
- Logbook - added weight of delivered cargoes
- Job Detail - added local time for tracking
- Job Detail - added help for selected rows
- Job Detail - added error for non-existent job delivery
- Job Detail - fixed map view
- Company profile - changed design
- Company Profile - added number of employees
- Company Profile - added company limits
- Company Profile - added link to Discord
- Company Profile - optimized load speed
- Company Profile - added public view
- Player Profile - changed design
- Player Profile - added company limits
- Player Profile - added status of last job delivery
- Player Profile - added public view
- Settings - unified displaying of the avatar
- Settings - fixed error message when changing the name
- Settings - fixed email change
- Settings - modified game list
- Chat - added fuzzy time
- Employees - added limits overview
- Employees - added information on who accepted/fired an employee
- Employees - modified layout
- Internal Statistics - fixed translations
- Internal Statistics - added units according to settings
- Log Overview - added summary
- Log Overview - added units according to settings
- Log Overview - added icons
- Log Overview - fixed export to csv file
- Company Settings - added option to add a Discord server
- Company Settings - added limits settings
- Company Settings - fixed translations
- Statistics - added units when changing statistics (real/race)
- Statistics - added public view
- Convoys - added new page
- Company list - added search by company tag
- Company list - added search by strings with spaces
- Company list - added filtering by country, status, and recruitment
- Company list - added company tag
- Company list - added number of Employees
- Company list - added public view
- Company list - fixed displaying of recruitment of new employees
- Forum - added BB codes
- Forum - added fuzzy time
- Forum - added overview of last 50 active topics
- Forum - fixed deletion of posts
- Forum - unified appearance of avatars
- Others - added HTTPS support
- Others - added hamburger icon
- Others - added support for mobile apps
- Others - modified logo position
- Others - fixed displaying of ban reason in the mail
- Others - optimized pages
- Wiki - completely redesigned
- Wiki - added translations support
1.1.6 [171106]
- Statistics - added verification of planned distance
- Player profile - added automatic activation of newly added game
- Employees - added chat between company representative and applicant
- Map - fixed displaying of set units
- Map - updated map of ATS (v1.29 and New Mexico)
- Logbook - added cities, companies and cargoes from ATS (v1.29 and New Mexico)
1.1.5 [170714]
- Job Detail - added cargo weight
- Job Detail - added average fuel comsuption
- Job Detail - added locale time
- Chat - added deletion of messages
- Settings - added settings of mass unit
- Improved language selection in footer
- Registration - email verification
1.1.4 [170330]
- Statistics - Reworked statistics
- Statistics - Unified UI
- Logbook - Optimized statistics
- User Profile - Optimized statistics
- Company Profile - Optimized statistics
- Company Overview - Optimized statistics
- Chat - Fixed list of online users
- Others - Minor code tweaks
1.1.3 [170201]
- Chat - Added online users overview
- Statistics - Added toggle according to maximal reached speed
- Company Statistics - Added toggle between average and total distance
- Job Detail - Fixed company logos
- Job Detail - Added accepted distance
- Job Detail - Adjusted tracking according to new statistics division
1.1.2 [161219]
- ATS map - Updated map (ATS v1.5)
- Adjusted thumbnail for social sites sharing
1.1.1 [161213]
- ETS2 map - Updated map of France
- Logbook - Added French companies and their logos
- Logbook - Added cities and cargoes from the "Vive la France !" DLC
1.1.0 [161118]
- Homepage - Completely revised design
- Homepage - Revised text
- Player profile - Added company tag next to nick
- Player profile - Added Twitch entry
- Player profile - Added YouTube entry
- Player profile - Added function to hide Steam account
- Player profile - Added expiration date of premium and ban into history
- Player profile - Fixed wrapping of long link
- Player profile - Fixed map display in low resolution
- Player profile - Tweaked panel layout
- Company profile - Added company tag
- Company profile - Added rewards
- Company profile - Added status of employees
- Company profile - Fixed wrapping of long links
- Company profile - Tweaked displaying of company description (newline enabled)
- Company profile - Tweaked panel layout
- Company management - Added internal statistics
- Company management - Added employees' logbook overview
- Company management - Added export to CSV option
- Employees - Fixed tables display
- Job delivery info - Added actual time in the route
- Chat - Added information in case of no message
- Map - Revised data loading
- Map - Added languages loading
- Map - Added field with name in low resolution
- Map - Tweaked status colors
- Statistics - Faster loading
- Statistics - Tweaked design
- Statistics - Added flags next to players in global statistics
- Statistics - Show only active countries
- Forum - Added symbol to locked topics in last activity
- Forum - Tweaked displaying of a newly added post
- Premium - Tweaked displaying of last orders
- Menu - New icons
- Companies - It is now possible to create a company with the same name, when the previous one was dissolved
- Settings - Added settings of consumption units
- Settings - Added settings of volume units
- Company list - Added status of hiring
- Users - Added flag next to nick in: company profile, employees list and forum
- Users - Added icons to translators and testers
- Others - Fixed website displaying on mobile devices
- Others - Minor code tweaks
1.0.0 [161016]
- Initial version