User Profile #126223


well it makes me very sad that I didn't set up a vtc in the first place instead I tried to make friends on the game each time it wasn't going to happen so easily why well miles I like to play the game drive miles and that was a downfall because many only wanted me for the miles because people will always attack me on my sex first I run a vtc group chat along side my vtc why well because it brings people together.
what crap have I had to deal with dick pics in my pms nastiness im like marmite u either love me or hate me yes I joined too many vtcs sadly I didn't think I fitted in with many people fired for stupid things or left because I didn't think I was suitable there some of them u have to rhino skin not friendly but one thing I learnt they liked me when I was there and a lot will attack me now I am no longer with them make up your own mind about me I will sadly always be the under dog but im not going anywhere :)

I am the owner of a VTC now that means I will do more miles then most people reasons for this are other vtcs out there can't call me a lazy person they also can't say that I abuse my drivers by demanding that they do more yes I am the underdog in the community hated by many liked by some people a big vtc out there too

I do sadly regret joining a few vtcs I was in I wish I could turn back the clock but hindsight is a lovely thing

very sad history of vtcs too many huge error of judgement made where did it all go wrong well hard for me to be accepted in some sad situation promised a management in one jumped straight to them and never got it bad decision again made by me to trust that

but theres only one I always love I cant mention it here but its not a Scottish one

my discord is emma3787
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
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until 04/04/2021