User Profile #4848

Ben Rushworth

Real + Race 0 / 6 437 km
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Real 0 / 8 047 km
American Truck Simulator
Real 0 / 2 000 mi
Current owner of the VTC. I have owned 4 VTC's, RGG Group, rdilimited, Tiger Logistics, Smart Haulage and now co-owner in J.Williams & Son's VTC. Using all my experience to get my friend and co-owners VTC off the ground.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
Awards 0
No awards were received.

Premium activated

until 16/02/2021

Premium activated

until 20/07/2020

Premium activated

until 05/05/2020

Premium activated

until 25/02/2020

Premium activated

until 11/11/2018