Company Profile #27815

Welcome to 12PK-TRUCKIN'®.
We are the true original 12PK-TRUCKIN'.
If you're looking for a great place to log miles and move up in the community then look no further, we'll be glad to bring you on. Whether you drive ATS or ETS2, you will be able to log miles for both games. We are much more then a VTC, we are a community. Once you're a part of 12PK you are family. We want you to be active and have fun while doing it. We all enjoy a good laugh here and during every convoy there will always be one wreck. Be yourself, because acting like someone you're not will always fail. So if your looking for a great place to start or just looking for a change, don't take my word for it, give us a shot.
If you're interested in joining, please fill out the application and come join us In our Discord server.
TruckersMP VTC link:
"We seek quality, not quantity"
"Trucking for the future"
"Drive with the best, or die like the rest!"
"Rise from the Ashes"
© 12PK-TRUCKIN' 2024
We are the true original 12PK-TRUCKIN'.
If you're looking for a great place to log miles and move up in the community then look no further, we'll be glad to bring you on. Whether you drive ATS or ETS2, you will be able to log miles for both games. We are much more then a VTC, we are a community. Once you're a part of 12PK you are family. We want you to be active and have fun while doing it. We all enjoy a good laugh here and during every convoy there will always be one wreck. Be yourself, because acting like someone you're not will always fail. So if your looking for a great place to start or just looking for a change, don't take my word for it, give us a shot.
If you're interested in joining, please fill out the application and come join us In our Discord server.
TruckersMP VTC link:
"We seek quality, not quantity"
"Trucking for the future"
"Drive with the best, or die like the rest!"
"Rise from the Ashes"
© 12PK-TRUCKIN' 2024
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• Age Restriction of 18+.
• ATS game (DLCs optional) and/or ETS2 game (DLCs optional)
• Discord profile/ Join 12PK-TRUCKIN’ Discord server
• TruckersMP account
• Trucksbook Client App installed and running.
• TruckersMP App installed.
• Virtual Speditor App or TS SE Tool. (Load Creator)
• Good PC to run the game with little to no lag on TMP
• Names must match across platforms no exceptions (TruckersMP, Discord, Trucksbook)
• New Drivers must go through a probationary period consisting of Training, Orientation and Road Trial before becoming an 12PK Driver.
• Join our Discord.
• Read over our Requirements and Rules.
• Apply to our company on TruckersMP:
• Apply to our company on Trucksbook: (applicant role given).
• Request an orientation in #orientation-requests. (can take up to a week)
• Upon completing your Orientation and approval you will become a driver in training (Training Role given).
• After completing your Trial Period (30 days) and Road Test you will then become an 12PK Driver (12PK Driver Role given).
• 2,500 minimum real miles required for each month.
• Full company meetings will be scheduled in advance, date and time will be in #announcements.
• If you do not log miles for 1 month you will be tagged inactive.
• If you do not log any miles for 2 months you will be removed from the company.
• No cheating on miles, period.
• Refrain from speeding miles. 80mph in ATS; 62mph in ETS2.
• If you leave and given a second chance but leave again, There will be no returning as a driver.
• If you leave Discord or TrucksBook, that will be taken as your resignation from the company.
• If you have any suggestions for the company, put them in #suggestions and they will be discussed at the next meeting.
• Age Restriction of 18+.
• ATS game (DLCs optional) and/or ETS2 game (DLCs optional)
• Discord profile/ Join 12PK-TRUCKIN’ Discord server
• TruckersMP account
• Trucksbook Client App installed and running.
• TruckersMP App installed.
• Virtual Speditor App or TS SE Tool. (Load Creator)
• Good PC to run the game with little to no lag on TMP
• Names must match across platforms no exceptions (TruckersMP, Discord, Trucksbook)
• New Drivers must go through a probationary period consisting of Training, Orientation and Road Trial before becoming an 12PK Driver.
• Join our Discord.
• Read over our Requirements and Rules.
• Apply to our company on TruckersMP:
• Apply to our company on Trucksbook: (applicant role given).
• Request an orientation in #orientation-requests. (can take up to a week)
• Upon completing your Orientation and approval you will become a driver in training (Training Role given).
• After completing your Trial Period (30 days) and Road Test you will then become an 12PK Driver (12PK Driver Role given).
• 2,500 minimum real miles required for each month.
• Full company meetings will be scheduled in advance, date and time will be in #announcements.
• If you do not log miles for 1 month you will be tagged inactive.
• If you do not log any miles for 2 months you will be removed from the company.
• No cheating on miles, period.
• Refrain from speeding miles. 80mph in ATS; 62mph in ETS2.
• If you leave and given a second chance but leave again, There will be no returning as a driver.
• If you leave Discord or TrucksBook, that will be taken as your resignation from the company.
• If you have any suggestions for the company, put them in #suggestions and they will be discussed at the next meeting.