All awards 5

No awards were received during this year.

No awards were received during this year.

No awards were received during this year.

ATS Award TOP km - May 2022

1st position among users in the WoTr statistics of ATS.
(287 216 mi)

ATS Award TOP km - April 2021

2nd position among users in the real statistics of ATS.
(436 262 mi)

No awards were received during this year.

ETS2 Award TOP km - September 2019

2nd position among users in the real statistics of ETS2.
(531 443 km)

ETS2 Award TOP km - November 2018

3rd position among users in the real statistics of ETS2.
(377 947 km)
ETS2 Award TOP km - October 2018

2nd position among users in the real statistics of ETS2.
(410 291 km)