All awards 5

No awards were received during this year.

No awards were received during this year.

No awards were received during this year.

No awards were received during this year.

ETS2 Award TOP km - April 2021

1st position among users in the WoTr statistics of ETS2.
(500 004 km)
ETS2 Award TOP km - January 2021

1st position among users in the WoTr statistics of ETS2.
(646 997 km)

ETS2 Award TOP km - November 2020

2nd position among users in the real statistics of ETS2.
(803 359 km)
ATS Award TOP km - July 2020

1st position among users in the real statistics of ATS.
(539 819 mi)
ETS2 Award TOP km - May 2020

2nd position among users in the real statistics of ETS2.
(722 097 km)