User Profile #507549

T.M.J !Luke!

Real + Race 25 325 / 10 250 km
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Real + Race 25 325 / 10 250 km
American Truck Simulator
Real + Race 0 / 6 500 mi
welcome to my profile

Name is !Luke! i ride mostly racing contracts and i am in the company Temní jezdci which is CZ/SK company that specializes in long distance routes, we are CEO, and Convoy Staff so i have some convoy already :D

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
Awards 0
No awards were received.

Premium activated

until 10/02/2026

Premium activated

until 10/01/2026

Premium activated

until 10/01/2025

Company joined