User Profile #323720

V.T.P Gienek_308

Real 28 738 / 20 000 km
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Real 28 738 / 20 000 km
American Truck Simulator
Real 0 / 12 427 mi
Rekord miesięczny
31/08/2022 - 564 351 km

Najdłuższa trasa
8/08/2022 - 10 128 km

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[img]C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1139496766\760\remote\227300\screenshots\20250225183141_1.jpg[/img]
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
Awards 0
No awards were received.

Company joined

Emoyeni Emoyeni

Company joined

[prov] ProV