User Profile #25174

BOAT Buckshot Gaming

Real 2 046 / 16 km
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Real 0 / 10 km
American Truck Simulator
Real 1 271 / 10 mi
Avid gamer in his 40's I love to play everything that's out there I own several gaming systems and enjoy multiplayer and meeting likeminded gamers from all over the world. . I game / truck to unwind after a day at work. Looking forward to seeing you out on the road.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
Awards 0
No awards were received.

Premium activated

until 14/10/2025

Premium activated

until 05/10/2024

Premium activated

until 05/01/2023

Premium activated

until 18/11/2021