User Profile #134924

Logis2.0 Fabio99

Euro Truck Simulator 2
Real 0 / 10 000 km
Co-fondarore della Logis 2.0
Guidatore di Scania;
Giocatore di ETS 2 dal 2012;
Registrato su truckersMP dal 2016;
Registrato su trucksbook dal 2019
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Co-founder of VTC Logis 2.0
Scania driver forever.
ETS 2 player since 2012;
Registered on truckersMP since 2016;
Trucksbook member since 2019;
Come to visit my VTC on:

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 ETS2
American Truck Simulator ATS
Awards 0
No awards were received.

Premium activated

until 30/01/2024

Premium activated

until 28/01/2023

Premium activated

until 27/12/2021

Premium activated

until 16/12/2020

Company joined

Logis2.0 Logis 2.0