Job Details #9244054

Standard job Easy parking ETS2
Delivery information
From no Bergen
To it Olbia
Initial company
Target company
Cargo Cut Flowers
Weight 1 759 kg
Planned distance 5 419 km
Driven distance 6 309 km
Accepted distance 6 309 km
Profit 80 523 €
Offences 0 €
XP 4 426 XP
Damage 11 %
Time remaining (in-game) 131h 40m
Time taken (in-game) -5h -11m
Truck Scania S
Average consumption 35 l/100 km
Refueled 2 003.0 l
Fuel cost 2 672 €
Maximal reached speed 100 kph
Server time
Local time
Route tracking
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0 km
0 kph
Joint deliveries
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