Fourth Edition Tuning Truck Show | Logis 2.0

Euro Truck Simulator 2
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Cabin : %
Engine : %
Chassis : %
Transmission : %
Wheels : %

Trailer: %
Chassis: %
Wheels: %


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Quarta Edizione Tuning Truck Show

A grande richiesta è arrivata la quarta edizione!! Regolamento aggiornato, nuova città, nuovo evento, premi in palio e un nuovo sistema automatizzato di conteggio voti!!

Bisognerà preparare il proprio camion tutto tuning, con o senza livrea aziendale
Ci ritroveremo alla NBFC (LKW per gli Sponsor) di Calais il 17 Dicembre ore 21:00, per esibire i vostri mezzi.

Una giuria composta da 3 persone giudicherà i vostri camion in base all estetica Oltre alla sfilata: una piccola gara + il Voto del pubblico.
Le auto e i rimorchi ai partecipanti non sono ammessi: solo allo staff è consentito un eventuale utilizzo
(le local mods non sono ammesse visto che i giudici dovranno vedere di persona il vostro camion)

Regolamento ufficiale dell'evento Qui (Si raccomanda la visione) Registro delle modifiche 17/12/22 regola 3.5 - 3.6


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Parcheggi Sponsor

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Scaletta della serata:
- Inizio Evento
- Sfilata con voti live
- Gara
- Rivelazione classifica parziale TOP 10
- Voto del pubblico
- Assegnazione punti finali
- Rivelazione classifica finale TOP 10
- Rivelazione classifica completa sui social aziendali

Percorso Sfilata

Percorso Gara

Parcheggi Finali

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Vuoi diventare sponsor del evento? Compila il modulo

I Nostri Partner:

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Metti la partecipazione anche su: Truckers MP


1° classificato: 20€ steam gift card + attestato + possibilità di scelta prossima location + post su Instagram.
2° classificato: 10€ steam gift card + attestato + post su Instagram.
3° classificato: 5€ steam gift card + attestato + post su Instagram.

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Fourth Edition Tuning Truck Show

Finally arrived the Fourth edition of the custom truck show! Rules updated, new city, big prizes and a new automated vote system

You will need to prepare your own fully-tuned truck, with or without company livery
We will meet at the Nbfc (Lkw for sponsor) of Calais December 17th at 9:00 pm Utc +1, to show your vehicles.

A jury made up of 3 people will judge your trucks according to the beauty of the truck. After the parade: small race + the vote of the public
L Cars and trailers are not allowed for the partecipants: only the staff can use them
(local mods are not allowed as the photos will be taken from another person)

Official rules of event Qui (Viewing is reccomanded) Changelog 17/12/22 rules 3.5 - 3.6


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Parking Sponsor

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Schedule of the evening:
- Event Start
- Live parade with relase of marks
- Race
- TOP 10 Partial ranking disclosure
- Public vote
- TOP 10 final ranking revealed
- Full ranking disclosure on Vtc social networks

Parade route

Race Course

Final Parking

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If you want to sponsor the event, fill out the module

Our Partners:

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Put the attendance on Truckers MP


1° classified: 20€ steam gift card + certificate + possibility of choosing next location + post on Instagram.
2° classified: 10€ steam gift card + certificate + post on Instagram.
3° classified: 5€ steam gift card + certificate + post on Instagram.

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Quatrième édition du Tuning Truck Show

Enfin la Quatrième édition est arrivée !! Règles mises à jour, nouvelle ville, prix à gagner et un système de comptage amélioré et accéléré !!

Vous devrez préparer votre propre camion entièrement réglé, avec ou sans livrée d'entreprise
Nous nous retrouverons dans le NBFC (LKW pour le Sponsor) de Calais le 17 Décembre à 21h00, pour montrer vos véhicules.

Un jury composé de 3 personnes jugera vos camions selon le critère esthétique une course sur route + vote du public.
Les voitures et remorques aux participants ne seront pas autorisées : seul le jury utilisera les voitures
(les mods locaux ne sont pas autorisés car les photos seront prises d'une autre personne)

Règlement officiel de l'événement Qui (Le visionnage est recommandé) Journal des modifications 17/12/22 règle 3.5 - 3.6

Places de parking

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Places de parking sponsor

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Programme de la soirée :
- Début de l'événement
- Défilé avec votes en direct
- Course sur route
- Révélation classement partiel TOP 10
- Vote du public
- Attribution des points de terminaison
- Révélation classement final TOP 10
- Divulgation complète du classement sur les réseaux sociaux d'entreprise

Itinéraire du défilé

Itinéraire de la course

Parking final

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Si vous souhaitez sponsoriser l'événement, remplissez le module

Nos Partenaires:

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Mettez la participation aussi sur: Truckers MP


1° place: 20€ steam gift card + certificat+ possibilité de choisir le prochain emplacement + post sur Instagram.
2° place: 10€ steam gift card + certificat+ post sur Instagram.
3° place: 5€ steam gift card + certificat+ post sur Instagram.

There are no job offers available for this convoy.
Participants 35