Company Profile #99628

Girth Nation LLC.

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Girth Nation LLC. was an impromptu idea gone official VTC.

This VTC is all about the three C's. Community, Convoys, and Challenges.

Here in Girth, we are all light hearted easy going members, friendly to the newest of new drivers, to the most seasoned of skilled drivers. All are welcome to roll with the boys. For those who need to learn we will teach to the best of our abilities everything you need to know, for those who know how to drive we will do our best to provide the most fun and intuitive experience. No matter your race, religion, creed, political views, height, size, appearance, and so forth, on the road we are all equals. That's what GN strides for.

Somewhat of a self explanatory category, but let's explain it anyway. Simply put, Girth Nation prides itself on frequent in-company and public convoys at least once a week, but we're all pretty addicted to the job, so admittedly it happens more often.

This category is where Girth Nation prides itself the most. Our company is themed entirely around doing the most challenging and heaviest jobs possible, our convoys, our individual jobs, and so on tend to be heavy and/or long hauls most of the time. Some of us enjoy road training with long "girthy" trailers, some of us like towing hundreds of thousands of pounds with "girthy" lowboys. Some of us just like hitting the road for long periods of time with "girthy" trip mileage. However you get your kicks, just know that in Girth Nation, it's always girthy.

Big trucks, bigger challenges, and drivers with the biggest hearts. If this sounds like the place for you, apply today or stop by our discord linked below.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Rules are listed more explicitly on discord. Here is the basic rundown.

1. No racism, bigotry, hate speech, or discrimination of any kind in any malicious capacity.

2. No discrimination on age. If they conduct themselves appropriately and are mature, why bother?

3. Speech is free, as is your human right, any conflict in views, opinions or discussion shall be dealt with like adults. No stifling.

4. Treat others the way you'd treat yourself. Mutual respect is key around here

5. When sporting company tags, conduct yourself appropriately on the road and be considerate of other drivers

6. No advertising for our company in other companies and vice versa
List of employees [6]