Company Profile #97625

Furriez Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Furriez Logistics
Let's stick driving proud furries and explore! Join to us!

Requirements if you want to join our company.
Things what you SHOULD have:
- Min. 12 years old - Of course if you're younger don't worry, we too can invite you. Just don't be toxic.
- Higher carrier level than 10. -If you're joining to company you should know something about game.
- Functional microphone - We just wanna talk sometimes. That's a important thing in convoys, etc.

Things what you MUST have:
- Discord account - There's a place where we're communicating with each other. So, that's an important thing.
- English language - In this language you can communicate with me and other stuff people. That's really important to us.
- Working game - Just... Where else do you wanna play than ETS/ATS? xD

Other things needed:
- Don't be rude. We're here to enjoy game and meet the people. Not to make dramas, etc.
- Help people who need it. If someone have some issues - Just help him/her.
- Take care of each other.
Company Rules
Limit 1 500 km
ETS2 Limit 1 500 km
ATS Limit 932 mi
List of employees [3]