Company Profile #95728
The company was dissolved!
Grampian Continental group 2020

No awards were received.
Grampian Vtc
1) Trial driver 5k start with
2) Drivers Target 10k pcm
3) Elite Drivers Target 20k pcm
4) Discord
5) Trucksbook
Other rules
1. No Bullying
2. No foul Language
3. Must at all times carry Company Colours.on mp
4. Must have MP tag like this (excluding brackets):
[Grampian VTC]
5. Must obey Convoy Manager in convoys.
6. Max speed 62mph ETS.
7. On Convoys please try to keep the channel free for all.
Other additions will be added time to time.
8. NO background audio when on Convoy. Use PTT.
9 Streamers: All streamers must carry a banner stating the following: G.C.VTC
Grampian Continental group 2020 please note we are only accepting Drivers with a good history of miles on there record
1. Please leave your Trucksbook running when you are playing ETS or ATS
2. Must do at least 1000 MILES a month
3. Stay Under 62 MPH on ETS2 And 80 MPH on ATS
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