Company Profile #94092

The company was dissolved!

Estepario Heavy Cargo

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
[ES] Transportes de cargas pesadas y largas distancias. Reto: 0 Multas // 0 Daño. Disfruta del viaje y piensa en hacer disfrutar a los que viajan contigo.

[EN] Transportation of heavy loads and long distances. Challenge: 0 Fines // 0 Damage. Enjoy the trip and think about making those who travel with you enjoy themselves.

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Company Rules
Limit 3 000 km
ETS2 Limit 3 000 km
ATS No limit
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Transportes de cargas pesadas y largas distancias. Reto: 0 Multas // 0 Daño.
Nuestros conductores sólo tienen que cumplir una de estas dos condiciones en sus rutas:
1. Rutas superiores a 1.000 km.
2. Cargas superiores a 20 toneladas.

Se respetarán al máximo los límites de velocidad marcados por el simulador y las normas de circulación.
Un exceso de multas o daños causados a la carga pueden causar sanciones por parte de la empresa e incluso el despido.
Disfruta del viaje y piensa en hacer disfrutar a los que viajan contigo.

La pintura del camión es libre.

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Transportation of heavy loads and long distances. Challenge: 0 Fines // 0 Damage
Our drivers only have to meet one of these two conditions on their routes:
1. Routes greater than 1,000 km.
2. Loads greater than 20 tons.

The speed limits set by the simulator and the traffic regulations will be respected to the maximum.
Excessive fines or damage caused to cargo can lead penalties from company and even dismissal.
Enjoy the trip and think about making those who travel with you enjoy themselves.

The truck paint is free

The official language of the company is Spanish, so the group routes with voice chat on our Discord will be in that language. However, we will try to communicate in English promptly to understand each other if necessary. The written information of the routes will be bilingual.