Company Profile #91058

The company was dissolved!

Werner Enterprises Company

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Werner Enterprises Company came to life one day in a book I was writing it was based out of the small town where I live in Amarillo Texas USA where everyone knows everyone and the small trucking companies are run by families and close friends and farms have been the family for many generations.
When you join Werner Enterprise your word is your contract that you will meet the requirements to the best of your ability if you need a hand doesn’t be afraid to ask and if no can answer your question we may reach out to someone outside the company who can.
We are strictly MP so if you run on SP it is your own free time and you must declare each load you do in SP in a separate channel with date, time, miles, and pick up and drop off location as they will be deducted from the driver daily totals on the company spreadsheet that I fill out every morning.
We don’t discriminate against anyone as all are welcome we just ask to understand that we all pick on each other allot to the point of ribs hurting if you are a sensitive person who cannot handle it then we are not the right the VTC for you and can send to 1 other VTC to try out
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 Limit 5 000 km
Real + Race
ATS Limit 10 000 mi
Real + Race
1,All rules are subject to change/adjusted at any time by owner/Management
1a. Obey all road laws and TMP rules
2. Air brake simulation must be turned on
3.Must run either manual, sequential, real Automatic
4. Don’t ask for promotions or anything like that
5.5 over the speed limit allow except for it the speed limit is 75
6.Traffic offense turned on or OFF
7.Treat all teammates with respect
8. No discrimination, Bullying, and racial remarks are permitted
9. Break rule 8 instant dismissal
10.Show respect to all drivers
11. Follow the chain of command
12, Understand that we are not responsible for your actions you mess up u will be gone
13, Anyone 18-year-old and Under are not permitted to join this company
14, Nobody is to overtake the leader in convoy's and must pilot vehicle instructions
15, all driver's will be rostered to do pilot vehicle work when rostered to do so