Company Profile #90524
Deluxe Trucking LLC. (Accepting all drivers)
No awards were received.
Deluxe Trucking you order it, we deliver it. ッ
We are currently accepting any and all Truck drivers willing to join the company. If you wish to join the fun and join a VTC, Deluxe Trucking, LLC is were it's at! Apply to today and start delivering!
Applications will be looked at everyday, regardless we are accepting all applications, with no milage restrictions on any new drivers. All we ask is that we complete the minimum deliveries each month and maintain a friendly environment within the company!
We are currently accepting any and all Truck drivers willing to join the company. If you wish to join the fun and join a VTC, Deluxe Trucking, LLC is were it's at! Apply to today and start delivering!
Applications will be looked at everyday, regardless we are accepting all applications, with no milage restrictions on any new drivers. All we ask is that we complete the minimum deliveries each month and maintain a friendly environment within the company!
6 437
No limit
4 000
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★ No illegal activity shall be discussed or promoted.
★ Language - When in the general/public voice chat NO PROFANITY is allowed.
★ No forms of transphobia, homophobia, racism, bigotry will be tolerated, these topics may be in the Non PG 13 Channels, so if these are triggers for you, please keep that in mind.
★ No sexism - this is NOT only limited to sexism towards females, being sexist towards males is not allowed.
★ COMMON COURTESY - This is 1 of the most important things to practice.
★ Discord Chatter - Be aware of who may be speaking, and make every attempt to not talk over them!
★ Priority Speaker - This is a awareness practice. When we are driving together be aware of voice messages from the lead driver and/or participants about related events. They will be sharing messages about upcoming roadway changes, as well as events that may impact us they encounter.
★ Roadway Courtesy - When operating in the proximitiy of other drivers DO NOT commit any acts that do not belong on the roadway!
★ RECRUITING - If we learn of you actively recruiting our employees, or employees from another company, all permissions will be removed until we can determine a further course of appropriate action.
★ RESPECT You will be held to a high standard regarding your treatment of not only your fellow employees, but also those you encounter in the public. This will include your behavior in discord, TMP CB Radio and chat options, and private messages.