Company Profile #89462

The company was dissolved!

Walsall Haulage

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Walsall Haulage was founded in October 2020 with the aim for people to have a fun and friendly community for people to relax and enjoy all trucking related gaming.
Walsall Haulage merged with Crash Logistics on 28/12/2020 to combine the two communities to achieve bigger and better things. Walsall Haulage welcomes all Crash Logistics drivers past and present.
Walsall Haulage Rules and Requirements:

Whilst using the online servers such as TruckersMP using the "Walsall Halauge" name please ensure you are following these rules:(edited)

NO Deliberately CRASHING, RAMMING, BLOCKING any other members on the servers

In the event you have a crash or tip then ensure you use the services in game to resolve the issue as soon as possible

No use of language that may cause Harm or Offence when using TruckersMP this includes Voice Chat and Text Chat(edited)

(Advisory) At Walsall Haulage we prefer if drivers can register Real Miles 0-62MPH 0-100KPH when tracking jobs using the TrucksBook Client!

(Advisory) When using multiplayer servers we would prefer drivers using the Walsall Haulage name to use our company colours this optional of course but makes our convoys look the part when they happen! The Company Truck Livery & Colours can be seen on discord channel!!
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit