Company Profile #87857

The company was dissolved!

Legion Logistics©

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Welcome To Legion Logistics

Legion Logistics© is a relatively new VTC. We provide our large range of drivers with state of the art equipment to help them get the job done. Legion Logistics© is growing every week with new and veteran drivers regularly joining. No matter who you are or where you are, Legion Logistics© is the VTC for you.

No matter where to or how long you can count on Legion Logistics© to get it done
Company Rules
Limit 1 000 km
ETS2 Limit 1 000 km
ATS Limit 1 000 mi
Company Rules

Here are the rules in this server

| Be respectful to others and their opinions
| This Discord is not the place for topics such as: Politics, religion, race, sexual orientation, drug usage, or suicide.
| NSFW content is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban.
| Don't spam, use affiliate links or promote other servers.
| Staff have final say

| subject to change in the future

| You must be at least 16 years old
| You must speak English
| You must have no current game bans
| You can only have a maximum of 2 bans
| You must agree to use our VTC colours
| You must join on the Truckersmp website
| Be a regular participant of our convoys
| Minimum of 50 hours in game