Company Profile #85391


Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Game only rules
( )

Rules marked with an Asterisk (*) do not apply on Arcade servers with 'Arc' or 'Arcade' in their title. Traffic laws and road signage must be obeyed. This means European road laws and signage must be followed in ETS2 and American road laws and signage must be followed in ATS. Failure to adhere to the respective road laws and signage could result in a punishment. Traffic lights and stop signs can be ignored if no other users are in the immediate area. Also, overtaking can be done if no other users were put in any risk. Speeding, while allowed, is not recommended. Speeding can lead to accidents and therefore factor in a punishment decision.

§2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - PERMANENT BAN

Using any kind of tool to change gameplay, including but not limited to using the in-game console, trainers or cheat engine in order to bypass the speed limiter, to jump hack, no collision hack or anything similar. Bypassing the server-sided auto kick system via save editing. Misusing features such as ghost mode to cause damage to others while connecting to the servers.

§2.2 - Ramming*

Causing a collision with another player intentionally or due to negligence. Attempting to cause a collision by steering towards their vehicle.

§2.3 - Blocking*

Restricting a user's travel path, blocking entrances to highways or other entry points or anything similar. Failure to use the service feature (F7+Enter) when needed might result in a punishment.

§2.4 - Incorrect Way / Inappropriate Overtaking*

Driving the incorrect way down a road. Overtaking or undertaking another player in an area of extremely low FPS and/or in areas with large amounts of traffic, overtaking resulting in an accident or anything similar. This also includes overtaking on any one-lane in each direction road where there is excessive traffic such as a traffic jam. Areas with a large amount of traffic are considered to be 25+ players.

§2.5 - Reckless Driving*

Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe and that puts other players in danger, driving backwards, ignoring traffic lights and road signage, speeding, racing other users (except Tucson, Phoenix, and Södertälje (ProMods) race tracks), ignoring other players and rules. Being outside of the map boundaries, this includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. In the ProMods map it's allowed to drive on unlocked roads or paths. Attempting to use desync lag or quick saves in order to cause damage to another user's vehicle is forbidden. Using the ghost mode feature to go around traffic jams. Even if you have the right-of-way you must make reasonable efforts to avoid all collisions. Even if someone else is in the wrong, you must take actions to avoid a collision.

§2.6 - Inappropriate Convoy Management / Car Abuse*

Convoy pilots are not permitted to slow down, block or control traffic, acting as a moderator and otherwise abusing the pilot scheme paint job. You are not permitted to take a convoy into highly populated area intentionally. This can include (but is not limited to) Calais, Duisburg, Calais-Duisburg road or surrounding areas.

§2.7 - Event Servers

All rules apply to any event server unless approved temporary rules override for a certain event.

Event server requirements can be found here.

Temporary rules for events can be found here.

§2.8 - How bans are issued

The first 3 bans issued are at Game Moderator discretion.
The 4th ban is 1 month.
The 5th ban is permanent with no chance of unban.
Any bans older than 12 months at the time of the new ban being issued are ignored, this 12 month period is the ban cooling-off period. Ban extensions are based on the active (less than 12 months old) bans at the time of expiration and will not be altered if a ban goes over the 12 month period while the ban is active. If you have at least two active history bans in your ban history, Game Moderators will extend your next ban to a permanent ban, regardless of how many bans you have had in the last year. Bans that are extended due to it being your 4th or 5th ban cannot be removed, they are strictly 1 month and permanent.

§2.9 - Bans issued by the Game Management

If the Game Management thinks that a user joins TruckersMP with the sole purpose to violate the rules, "§2.8 - How bans are issued" can be bypassed and the ban length will be at the Game Management's discretion. Further punishments can be given following attempts to copyright claim the ban evidence or anything similar. In accordance to our Terms of Service staff is allowed to re-use evidence sent in our reports. In specific cases, the Game Management reserves the right to keep ban evidence private upon review of the banned player.

List of employees [1]