Company Profile #84944

The company was dissolved!

121 Transport

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
121 Transport is part of the FreeForALLNet, this mean you'll have access to all the perks of the discord as well as being in a serious VTC. We are currently using a job logger called TrucksBooks which helps you log the jobs you do and earn for you and the company. We are still new so thing wont be right straight away but the team will be able to help as much as they can :).
Company Rules
Limit 5 000 km
ETS2 Limit 3 219 km
ATS Limit 2 000 mi
121 Transport rules are as followed Homophobia, Bad language, Racism and Begging is strictly forbidden inside of chats and inside the VTC, We also don't like people telling us how to run the VTC as its rude. We also don't want negativity in the VTC as we want it to feel as nice as possible. Chat rules for the VTC are, no screaming down the mic, no blasting music, no swearing, no rudeness. All discord rules apply to the VTC which you will find when you join.