Company Profile #8198

The company was dissolved!

NOOB VTC Hualage

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
We are a relaxed VTC company transporting cargo in ETS2MP.

NOOB VTC is a company that takes pride in it's haulers and their abilities when transporting cargo. We are a flexible company which ensures a healthy work life balance for all its haulers. whilst ensuring that our customers needs are satisfied.
Although we are a professional organisation, we like our haulers to be part of our family.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
NOOB employees are required to use the trademarked default design.

1) No spamming or flooding the chat with useless messages.
2) No arguments to other people in the chat. (If you have an issue consult it over PM. We do not accept any responsibility for any disputes which take place over direct messages)
3) No adult (18+), explicit content.
4) No racism, homophobia, nazism, religous views or any other offensive beliefs.
5) No advertising, this includes but is not limited to; other sites/discord servers (Permission must be requested from Staff).
6) No offensive names.
7) Do not use the @everyone / @here ping without good reason.
8) Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs, and other exploits that will cause an incident within the community and other players.
9) Do not cause a nuisance in the community, repeated complaints from several members will lead to administrative action.
10) Do not argue with the staff team their ruling is final, if you believe there has been an issue with a moderator, please contact the staff team.
11) Do not insult other users.
12) Please use all channels for their intended purposes only.
13) English only in all channels unless informed otherwise. 14) No playlists allowed on the music bot, this is to allow everyone to play the songs they want.