Company Profile #79174

B&H Global Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
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Welcome to B&H Global Logistics

Dear friends, greetings to all drivers and fans of the game ATS / ETS2! Our company was founded in May of 2020! The VTC was created from one small team of friends that we share the same passion and love, the passion for trucks, the good friendship communication and the love for ETS2 / ATS.

Our team is open to anyone who wants to participate with only one target - to enjoy the game. The main priority for us is ETS2, but as you want to play, no one will stop you from doing so with us. So what are you waiting for? Apply today and let's enjoy our journey.

Vitajte v B&H Global Logistics

Pozdravujeme všetkých vodičov, vodičky a fanúšikov hry ETS 2. Sme novovzniknutá firma B&H Global Logistics. Našim cieľom je, aby si hru všetci užili naplno a aby boli všetci spokojní. Globálne doručujeme zásielky po „svete“ (Europa a USA). Komunikujeme po anglicky, maďarsky, česky/slovensky, takže nás môžeš v prípade potreby ďalších informácií kontaktovať.

Žiadne trápne a zbytočné pravidlá. Však sa nechaj presvedčit. Pridaj sa k nám ešte dnes a poďme si užiť hru spoločne!
Company Rules
Limit 5 000 km
ETS2 Limit 5 000 km
ATS Limit 500 mi
List of employees [1]