Company Profile #7786

Knight transportation goods

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Knight transportation is a fast trucking company last talking and more moving goods to states real life and on game company the biggest company out here
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
#Rule 1 do not ban or kick people without permission of @Owner or @Co owner
rule 2 push hard to get as many loads done here is the vtm
rule #3 no cussing you can cuss but if you do cuss to much there are warnings. there are 3 chances i will tell you and give you 2 chances if you were kicked with out being told that means you got your 3rd warning
Rule #4 follow all rule of truckermp
Rule#5 try to follow all road laws I understand that not always possible
Rule#6 all driving test must be at least 100 miles and must have 10 loads in vtm.@everyone
Ats & ETS
List of employees [1]