Company Profile #7648

The company was dissolved!


Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
NoRISK is a brand new eSports Organization, founded by ScuzY in December 2017.

Our goal is to become the top in the rankings list on TrucksBook, and most importantly have fun meanwhile we achieve this goal. We accept people from both ETS and ATS.

For any questions or enquiries, please add ScuzY on Steam.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
If you are wanting to join this company, make sure that you obey these rules:

1) Always drive properly! No blocking, ramming or anything similar.
2) No trashtalk, no arguing with other people or other companies.
3) Be respectful to everyone! No racism, bullying etc...
4) Make sure that you use the tag "NoRISK" on your profile in Multiplayer to show that you are a part of the company. The colour is your choice.
5) *OPTIONAL* |You can use any paint jobs, but make sure that the colour scheme is black and white. This is to show that you are a part of the team.
6) Do not go over the speed limit of 90 km/h!
7) In convoys, keep a distance between each other of about 100 metres.
8) You must be at least 16 years old to join this company. (Exceptions can be made)
8) Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the game! :)