Company Profile #75649

The company was dissolved!

PinkPanther Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Hello and welcome to, PinkPanther Trucking
Were glad to see you making ah choice at giving us a chance by joining us and we really hope you have a great time..
We are slowly thriving to bring you all more fun and hopefully meet new people, grow new friendships while have a fabulous time.
We are a very relaxed enjoyable group, so please don't be rude or disrespectful, if this so happens you will be warned and asked nicely to stop but if the situation continues you will be removed from the V.T.C …

Please keep in mind we like to have fun..

-Discord to communicate-
We here at PinkPanther Trucking believe that respect and communication is the key to well operated successful VTC.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 Limit 1 610 km
ATS Limit 1 000 mi
-PinkPanther Rules-

​1. Age Verification is required.

2. Player tag set to (PinkPanther Trucking) when you are first hired. Please make sure that is colored PINK.

3. If a group or individual(s) ingame multiplayer are being crude or disrespectful they are to be reported. Also have self respect for yourself and others or you will be asked to leave or removed.

4. Truck Colors/Uniform
neon pink ,neon yellow, black - to be in uniform
Truck brand or paint scheme is of your choosing.

5. Most importantly Follow M.P Rules

6. Minimum of 1,000 miles per month, but of course more the better so we can work our way up the ranks..

7. Accidents do happen just say "SORRY" Immediately..