Company Profile #73638

Gen'ei Ryodan

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
La Brigada Fantasma (幻影旅団, Gen'ei Ryodan) es una banda de renombre mundial de ladrones que sostienen el título de una organización clase A. La mayor parte de los miembros provienen de Ciudad Meteoro.
The Phantom Troupe (幻げん影えい旅りょ団だん, Gen'ei Ryodan), sometimes just called Troupe (旅りょ団だん, Ryodan), is a world-renowned gang of thieves with Class-A Bounties.[1] The group is also known as "Spider" (旅団クモ, Kumo) and its members go by the name of "Spiders".[2] Most of them hail from Meteor City
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
El grupo está formado por un total de trece miembros, siendo todos ellos usuarios de Nen muy calificados, cada uno con un tatuaje enumerado de una araña en su cuerpo.
The group consists of thirteen members, all of whom are highly skilled Nen users. Each member has a numbered tattoo of a twelve-legged spider on their body.
List of employees [1]