Company Profile #72101

Birch Hill Haulers

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
A small group of truck and bus enthusiasts who love to drive. We have no minimum miles or maximum speed limits. All we ask is that you have fun while logging your miles in Trucksbook!
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Birch Hill Haulers’ Rules. Driving Rules

1.) You Must be at least 13 years of age NO EXCEPTIONS!
2.) Please follow the Truckers MP rules to the best of your ability. We aren’t expecting perfect drivers but we do want people who can follow rules and be responsible.
3.) When driving please keep a safe distance between yourself and others. Passing is OK but please be mindful of those around you. When following, keep at least 50 meters between you and the person you are following. This will help prevent accidents in case someone in front of you lags.
4.) When driving in cities you do NOT have to stop for red lights, as long as no one else is around. If you’re in a convoy follow the lead truck as long as no other outside players are around.
5.) No driving over any medians or driving on the other side of the road. If you’re going too fast for the turn and hit someone on the other side of the road it will be your fault. Passing on two lanes is ok but please be extremely mindful when doing so. If the person ahead of you is only going one or two miles an hour faster than you then stay behind them and keep your distance.
6.) Use the Birch Hill Haulers tag during convoys. It is ok to have it off during single driving but when in convoys it will make it easier for staff to know who is who. It can be any color as long as it is visible to everyone.
7.) Be respectful to all staff. Even if what they’re asking of you isn’t a rule still do your best to adhere to what you’re being told. The staff’s main job is to keep things organized and running smoothly.
8.) Lastly, have fun and happy trucking!
List of employees [3]