Company Profile #70139

SIMARGL special transport

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
✯ Esta compania tiene como objetivo tener una bitacora limpia, con trabajos finalizados sin daño.
✯ Jugaremos totalmente en los servidores Promods y Simulation.
✯ Llevaremos un reglamento simple y con minimas exigencias para mantener la "propaganda" de la empresa


✯ This company is aimed to drivers with a clean logbook, our goal is to NOT dammage the cargoes.
✯ We'll play on Promods / Simulation servers only to keep the simulation gameplay as it is. Playing arcade servers is not forbidden ofcourse if you cancel the said job once at destiny.
✯ Our rules are few and simple (such as paintjobs, jobs or tags) this is to keep the company propaganda.

Para el ingreso se requiere saber ingles y/o español, no hace falta ser un genio bilingue, con lo basico para poder comunicarnos correctamente sera suficiente
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
(english description is at bottom)

✯ Solo server 1 / Promods 1, no esta permitido completar cargas (o utilizar el tag de la compania) en los servidores arcade

✯ Las cargas deberan entregarse sin daño (el remolque puede tener algo de daño antes de afectar su carga).
completar una entrega con la carga dañada resultara en perdida de puntos, si se queda sin puntos sera despedido

✯ Nesesita tener la pintura "Heavy Duty Surge"

✯ Una ves que la compania crezca se haran competencias internas


✯ Server 1 / Promods 1 servers only, Is not allowed to complete jobs (or use the company tag) in arcade servers

✯ Cargoes should be delivered without dammage (trailer may have a little dammage before affecting its cargo).
Deliver a dammaged cargo will take points away, run out of points and you'll be fired.

✯ "Heavy Duty Surge" paintjob required

✯ We'll be doing internal competitions once the company grew
List of employees [1]