Company Profile #67115

The company was dissolved!

Low & Slow Transport

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Welcome to Low & Slow Transport , where we're a friendly country-sided company, that looks at our employees not just as drivers but as family. This company is a nonracial company that doesn't profile anyone of their culture, race, etc. We are here to have fun , drive , and make new friends on the way as life moves on. If you are a real life truck driver then we're not gonna push you to be active, play on your own time.

14+ years of age
1000 miles a week
Active unless working or driving
respectful to each other and self
Real miles 77mph

Custom made skins

Follow me "The Owner" & Company on Instagram
@Fugginhammerin & @ghost_lowrider

If you're interested an joining the company to become apart of the family, Please apply above and click on the discord link below-->
Company Rules
Limit 3 219 km
ETS2 Limit 1 609 km
ATS Limit 1 500 mi

Rule 1: Advertising your twitch, YouTube, Twitter, etc. is allowed.
Rule 2: No excessive cursing.
Rule 3: No spamming lines, caps, emotes, etc.
Rule 4: Show respect to all members
Rule 5: No unnecessary sounds, yelling or screaming in any voice channel.
Rule 6: No links to anything that could be considered NSFW.
Rule 7: No dispersing of private information.
Rule 8: Do NOT post anything that contains private information!
Rule 9: No racist or sexist remarks.
Rule 10: Use the channels appropriately
Rule 11. There will be no threats against others. We will take action against this immediately.
Rule 12: Before we stop doing something we need to have 3 complaints,but they have to legitimate complaints
Rule 13: We will only repeat ourselves 3 times
Rule 14: Do not DM Staff managers or ups unless its an emergency
Rule 15
The first 3 bans issued are at Game Moderator discretion.
The 4th ban is 1 month.
The 5th ban is 3 months.
The 6th ban is permanent with no chance of undo. Any bans further than 12 months before the current ban are ignored under this rule. This is considered the cooling off period.
Rule 16: Please watch your language the only people who can cuss are people who are 18+ yrs older
Rule 17: After 2 right ups you'll get fired