Company Profile #67059

The company was dissolved!

TRMM Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Thanks for checking us out!
Our goal as a company is like everyone else’s! It’s to grow and be a large REAL MILE (79mph or below) Company!
We work as a team but also as a family. We are wanting to be a strong community and we need willing good people to do that!
We do things differently around here.
1. No Minimum
2. No required name
3. No forced truck colors
These are the 3 things we stand on!
Our company saying is “Take it easy driver from TRMM Trucking” this is because
1. It’s just good to have
2. No one knows what is happening with them personally outside of the game and I is always a good reminder that people care!

You knew there would be some!

1. !!!REAL MILES!!! We only go 79mph or lower we understand that people make mistakes and we won’t bust your balls over it but we just ask that you be as cautious as possible!
2. NO BULLYING! Treat people how you wanna be treated we welcome in all people (White, Black, Hispanic, Straight, Trans. Whatever you are! You are welcome!
3. JOIN THE DISCORD! We want everyone available that can to join the discord so we can all be in touch and talk over a chat instead of a CB during a convoy!
4. MP RULES! You must abide by TruckerMP rules no exceptions! Goes back to rule #2 Treat people how you wanna be treated!
5. TRUCKSHOW! When we go to a Truckshow hosted by TSL We run the same truck and trailer NO EXCEPTIONS!!! We have to be uniform!
6. These rules and the people that were put in management roles were put there by Me, Mr. Mustache! No disrespect towards a staff. If there is a issue contact me directly with proof of unfair treatment and we can figure it out!

I again appreciate your time! If you are another company that is struggling we offer MERGERS if you just wanna support us and we support you we also offer PARTNERSHIPS contact me through discord if interested!

Have a Good One! Mr. Mustache
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 Limit 1 609 km
ATS Limit 1 000 mi