Company Profile #66389

The company was dissolved!

Viking Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Official company of "Pat_The_Viking" on twich.
Company Rules
Limit 10 km
Real + Race
ETS2 Limit 10 km
Real + Race
ATS Limit 10 mi
Real + Race
External image
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This is the official company of Pat_The_Viking on

The color scheme for convoys will be as in the image above . Any truck can be used .

The company tag will be [company position] Viking Logistics and must be in the same yellow as the trucks yellow (or as close as possible). ex [Employee] Viking Logistics (but in yellow).

-Speed limits 80kmh/50mph when in the convoy or 90mkh/55mph if you fall behind and want/need to catch up with the convoy.
-Keep to real miles only (keep your speed under 100kmh/62mph , i tend to stay under 90kmh/55mph)
-No exploits (Money/XP cheats).
-No trolling.
-If you seem to have a bad connection please safely make your way to the back of the convoy and give caution to the convoy.
-If you don't get a job/trailer in time and want to join along with the convoy , please stay to the rear.
-Please use traffic lights

Otherwise just have fun.