Company Profile #61326

The company was dissolved!

Lucini Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Welcome to Lucini Trucking! We have a fun time when trucking! We do convoys on Saturdays from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

We are not just a virtual company we are a Lucini Family and a team that works together!

We are safe people that can transport cargo across the United States. We are a drama free zone!!!

We run miles in SP & MP. If you run in MP please keep your Rig between the lines and be respectful of other drivers on the road!

We use Discord for our main source of communication You can find the link at the top of this page.

If you like what you see and would like to join please apply today, and one of our managers will set you up.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Lucini Trucking Rules
1.Be nice to everyone to have a fun and safe environment
2.No starting drama; no fights or arguments
3.No mentioning @.everyone or
4.Please be in CB 15 minutes before the convoy starts.
5.No posting NSFW content period which includes inappropriate content. You will be banned no matter what.
6.Keep spam down to a minimum
7.Do not annoy anyone
8.No asking for ranks, promotions or begging
10.No Advertising

General Driving Rules
1. Keep a safe distance between each truck to have a safe braking distance; because people do lag sometimes
2. The leader of the convoy will tell you where to go and etc. The dispatcher will decide who the leader will be.

**Please have fun!!**
@everyone Anyone fails to follow these rules will be punished!