Company Profile #59785

The company was dissolved!

Glomma Transport AS

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
A bit about us. We are a company based in Kongsvinger (Norway), but got truckers based all over the place.
We are some highly professional drivers with a huge heart for simulation. Some of us got some real life experience from
driving trucks in real, and some others have spent way too much time on the road as profession and hobby.

Does this sounds interesting and do you want to start working for us? Please apply.
But we have some few criteria.

1. At least 18 years old (since all of us are around 30 and some real life driving experience is kinda wanted).
2. High Power Cargo Pack (since our paint is from that pack).
3. Money enough to modify your truck to our company specifications.
4. A massive interest for simulation (we want highly professional drivers).

We don't require you to be active or put down any km per week or so. We just enjoying the time together as friends.

See you around!
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit