Company Profile #57752

The company was dissolved!

Rainbow Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
This company is a open LGBTQ Company. We offer a safe space for all kinds of diverse group of people. This company will hiring people that want to drive and any sexuality you may be. We are one family and one team and work to get our delivery's on time and also with the safe speeds and proper sleep saves everyone!

We want to invite you to come drive for our company and work your ways to the top and make big bank!

We do have Discord and also we have Admins, Members, Donors.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS Limit 300 mi
1. Must be able to drive at least 500 Miles Weekly or more.
2. Must follow the NO RACE MILES!
3. Be kind and respectful to others.
4. Report anything that should be going on to a admin.
5. Must have the Company truck and Company Colors for the first 5 Days of being in the group and only counts if you are doing delivery's.
6. Work as a team if needed and come to admins when needed. BE one team.
7. Have Fun!
8. If you get banned you need to contact a admin ASAP!