Company Profile #5525

402 Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
402 Trucking was created on March 14th 2016 as MostWantedTrucking. On July 29, 2019, MWT was adopted by a gaming community and the name was changed to 402 Trucking but remained under the same management. We are a community of truckers who enjoy to drive around. If you want a group to drive around with then 402 is the place for you!

Join the Discord server below to get in on the action.
Discord Server:
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
All members of 402 must follow the following guidelines set by the staff team. If any rule is violated a staff member has the full authority to take any action that they see fit. Failure to follow these set rules will result in administrative action.

[1. Be respectful]
You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

[2. No Inappropriate Language]
The use of profanity should be kept to a minimum. However, any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited.

[3. No spamming]
Don't send a lot of small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming. For example, please do not tag an administrator over and over to be moved into a locked channel. This can result in a mute.

[4. No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material]
This is a community server and not meant to share this kind of material.

[5. No advertisements]
We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the media channel if it is relevant and provides actual value (Video/Art).

[6. No offensive names or profile pictures]
You will be asked to change your name or picture if the staff deems them inappropriate.

[7. Server Raiding]
Raiding or mentions of raiding are not allowed.

[8. Direct & Indirect Threats]
Threats to other users of DDoS, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats are absolutely prohibited and disallowed.

[9. Follow the Discord Community Guidelines]
You can find them here:

[10. Do not join voice chat channels without permission of the people already in there]
If you see that they have a free spot it is alright to join and ask whether they have an open spot, but leave if your presence is not wanted by whoever was there first.

All members of 402 must abide by the following guidelines set by the staff team. If any rule is violated a staff member has the full authority to take any action that they see fit. Failure to follow these set rules will result in administrative action.

[1. Follow all TMP rules]
As a member of 402 Trucking you must follow all the rules set by the TMP staff team. Failure to comply with those rules will result in administrative action or termination.

[2. Improper display of tag]
Members of 402 must be using their approved and assigned tag (listed in discord) while in game. Failure to do so could result in administrative action.

[3. Respect other users]
Any harassment of other players in either voice, text or other means will not be tolerated. This includes actions such as ramming, blocking, etc.

[4. Follow the rules of the road]
When driving in the game, in a convoy or not, you are representing 402. You must follow the rules of the road. This includes red lights, and turn signals. You never know when an Admin is watching.

All members of 402 must follow the following guidelines set by the staff team. If any rule is violated a staff member has the full authority to take any action that they see fit. Failure to follow these set rules will result in administrative action.

[1. Respect the chain of command]
The chain of command is as follows:
[O] Owner
[CO] Co-Owner
[GM] General Manager
[M] Manager
[S] Supervisor
Unless you have a problem with a member of the staff team do not contact the Owner or Co-Owner with your problems.

[2. Respect staff]
With the above being said, you must treat all staff (listed above) with respect. Staff are allowed to take action as they see fit. If you are disrespecting a member of the staff they may take action to solve the problem.

[3. Convoy Management]
When choosing a destination in a medium/large scale convoy, administration will approve the route and destinations. Please don’t give false info on routes and destinations and do follow them correctly. We are not responsible if you get lost.

[4. No Impersonation]
Impersonation of any person will not be tolerated and the account will be handled by administration.
(Any account impersonating staff will be banned immediately)
List of employees [29]