Company Profile #51519

B. Team Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
- We ain't the best but we sure ain't the worst. You got a load going to Shaky town out of Bakersfield but ain't got the money to get it there with the top notch guys? Have no fear, B Team is here.
- We specialize in over-weight, out-of-date, with-or-without a license plate. You won't have anything we haven't seen - big or small we will haul it all. Call 423-FELL-OFF to book your loads today. if you're looking for a community of active truckers and ATS streamers think red, white, and blue. We at B Team are here for you. Send us an application now.
- Our colors are Red, White, and Blue when in public convoys. Otherwise in Solo run whatever makes you happy.
- Our company, all be it a small company, is a proud company. We don't strive to be number one, only relevant on the leader-boards. We only count Real miles (less than 80 MPH/100KPH) and you must maintain 70% total Real miles/kilometers on a weekly basis.
- We have a reputation to maintain so keep the cargo damage to a minimum (average of less than 2% per week). Don't care about the truck or trailer damage as that's your expense.
- Cash only. No tax, no tracks. We run semi legal here. If you couldn't get away with it IRL it won't fly here. We do have fun with the Role Play Element. Run stop signs and red lights if nothing is coming and you're not impeding traffic. Have fun but don't get caught .
- No background checks or drug tests required. We cant afford to run them at this time, so we go by the honor system of your fired 3 seconds before you wrecked the truck like the good old days.
- Age requirement of 21 or 18 with Written Recommendation from active staff.
-All New Hires will be on a 14 day Probationary Period Where You Will Be Required to Be An Active Member For 14 days Or Log 10,000 miles within Company standards and Safety practices Before Probate is removed ,Probate Will Be Removed after "Miles Requirement are met and 14 days with company are Reached" as of January 1st , 2022. - TJ4DW
- NO HATE. WE DON'T DISCRIMINATE . Trade marked by TrapJesus4dwin
Company Rules
Limit 1 609 km
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
1. Run with company colors in public convoys - anytime you're in company colors representing the company in any way, please do so in a positive manner. It takes years to build an image and only seconds to destroy it.
2. ALL LOADS MUST BE RUN THROUGH TRUCKBOOKS, EVEN WHEN PLAYING SINGLE PLAYER. We strive to be relevant on the leader boards. We're not the best but we want to be better than the rest. We are not yet a number 1 team but with enough patience and effort we very possibly could be.
3. Don't DISCRIMINATE. You don't know what other people have on their plate and in their life - why make it any worse .
4. 80 MEANS 80 MPH (or 100KPH). Personally i think the speed limit change as of July 2019 killed the game, but we are still here so please log Real miles/kilometers so we can stay on the leader-boards . I run 75MPH myself so i encourage you to act in a similar manner. Need help keeping your speed down? Just ask the veteran drivers as we all have our tricks.
5. You want Management privileges or a Dispatcher role? Then lead by example. Drive at reasonable speeds , don't crash into other players and if you do apologize. Maintain a safe traveling distance at all times. Give courtesy to the other drivers and leave extra distance at stop signs for the truck turning in as you would IRL. Other examples would be moderating a fellow company drivers stream or discord etc.
6. WE GO BY SENIORITY WHEN IT COMES TO MAKE IT OR BREAK IT CALLS . If the boss man isn't around the next in charge is in charge till management returns. You are to appoint a lower in command to lead convoys , dispatch loads etc. If nobody is on and you can't find a dispatcher reach the owner Trap JESUS4DWIN on Discord or in Twitch. If no one responds haul anything over 200 miles, smile, and wave until further notice (that's called branding and just being sociable with other drivers).
7. You are responsible for training your recruits and are held accountable for their actions during the mandated 10 day trial period. if they don't have TruckBooks you are going to be their first contact in the world of driving for a virtual company so please be friendly and patient. Don't forget you had to learn it too.
8. Have fun but be responsible. Keep your Race miles/kilometers to a minimum (less than 30% of your total per week) and keep the cargo safe (less than 2.5% damage per week). Hit that minimum mileage each month of 1000 miles and/or kilometers (ATS/ETS2).
10. There's not a 9th rule because 7 ate 9. We all have a sense of humor, but be advised certain criteria shouldn't be joked about or toyed with. We all get offended from time to time but we try to look at both sides of something. There will be instances of both people involved getting punishment for infractions - that is the "guilty by association" rule.
11. Guilty By Association. If you give someone a ride to rob a corner store you're still guilty even if you never go in. Why is that? You did nothing to stop it from happening and potentially aided the event. Same applies to racist remarks, excessive bullying, ramming, trolling, etc, If you are with the guilty party and do nothing to stop them, try to coax others into not reporting, or do anything to cover it up you will receive same punishment as guilty party.
List of employees [5]