Company Profile #49969

Syndicated Inc

Company Management
Awards 23
ATS Award TOP km - 2021
ATS Award TOP km - August 2021
Company Description
Motivated, Dedicated, We Are Syndicated!

New members: Welcome to The Official VTC Of The American Truck Syndicate ( where we are Official Sponsors of TruckersFinalMile.Org A Charity That Helps Truckers AND Their Families In Times Of Crisis. If you would like to help US Help Others this is the place. Your Support Is Greatly Apricated please help us share awareness and if possible, encourage others To Help By Donating using our own donation portal to the charity 100% of your donation goes to the charity here>
We Are A REAL MILE Company Please Keep your speed under 80
There are currently no mileage requirements to join just do your best is all we ask.

Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
This VTC was created to COMPETE and that is what we do,We Compete Every MonthTo Be The Best Understand That When You Clicked That Button To Join You Have Become Part Of A TEAM Called Syndicated Incorporated And You Have Agreed To Help Us Be The Best
Rules and Guidlines
1.Respect-This is a Team The People here are your TEAMMATES There are NO Individules ONLY The Team Treat Your Teammates With Respect At All Times Failure To Do So Will Be Addressed on a Case By Case Basis, Discipline Will Be Based On The Severity Of The Level Of Disrespect.
2. Intigerity- By Defination Is "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness." Lieing Cheating Stealing or anything That Could be viewed as lack of Intigerity Will NOT Be Tolerated We Believe In Quality over Quanity, we only want Good Honest Teammates Be That And You Will Have No Problems Here If You Choose Not To Be You Wont Be An Issue Because You Will No Longher Be Here.
3.Dedication- By Defination Is "the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose." Basically DO YOUR BEST. Each Person is A link in A Chain and This Team is Only As strong as It's Weakest Link We Win Together We Lose Together Our Goal Is Top 3 (minimum) Every Month Help Us Achieve This Goal You Level Of Dedication To This Team Is Easy To See Right Here
4. Admins- Are Here To HELP I cant do this alone admins are choosen by me Based On 1, 2 and 3 above they are not only here to help me but they are also required to help YOU. Teams Need Team Captains but we are ALL Still Equal As Teammates Admins Have Accepted A Job Nobody Should Ever Want To Do Take That Into Consideration and I Require Each of Them To Hold Themselves to a Higher Standard in Requards to ALL Rules and Guidelines If They Fail To Do So I Will Replace Them With Someone Who Will.
5. COLORS- RED and BLACK. I Try To Respect Peoples Freedom of Expression and Style But These ARE the Company Colors and they Mean Something To Me Personally If you want to know what ask me. Wearing Your Companys Colors is A Direct Reflection of #1 and #3 Above. There will be times you will be ASKED to wear your Uniform(matching paints) We Will Announce Those Times In The Discord Section under announcments PLEASE Do Not Show Up Out Of Uniform That WILL be considerded a voilation of #1 Above
4.MILAGE REQUIRMENTS - This Is NOT A Job you dont get paid this is supposed to be FUN but This IS A Competitive Team and We Do Have Goals Just Do Your Best For The Team We Understand This is a Pass Time or Hobby Real Life Takes Precident If You Find Yourself in a place where you cant contribute LET US KNOW contact an admin or Myself We will take it into consideration Every Mile Counts But This TEAM Needs as many as you can give to be Successful.1000 Miles a Month Is Required but that is the minimum we would like to see you give us more than the "minimum" if you can
5. LOGOS. ALL logos and Names Found or Used Here are property of the Owners Of The AMERICK TRUCK SYNDICATE Which is the parent company of this VTC They are ONLY to be created or used with the express consent and approval of ME they are NOT to be used for Profit or outside of this VTC if you are Not Sure ASK ..DO NOT ASSUME ASK ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS .
6. I RESERVE THE RIGHT- I was asked to start this VTC and I Agreed Because I Felt It Was A Great Way To Give People A Place To Come Together And Compete and Bulid Personal Relationships and Yes To Have FUN. This A Very Simple Concept Log Miles either Together in MP or in SP. In the Rules And Guidelines Above Have I Addressed Everything....NO I am not going to make a 20 page list of rules because i should not have too it simply does not have to be that difficult to Do what we are here to do, But I DO RESERVE THE RIGHT to do whatever I Feel Is Necessary For The Betterment Of This TEAM as a Whole Make No Mistake I Will Do What Needs To be Done To Insure This Team and EVERY member on it Conducts themselves in A manner That Does Not Disrupt Our GOAL To Be The Best We Can Be and To Be Successful.
7-READ UNDERSTAND AND AGREE.Please Take The Time to Read Understand and Agree EVERTHING I Have Written Here so that there will be no reason to Not Understand and Agree
8. THANK YOU- Thank You For Joining Us We Appricate Your Commitment To This Undertaking and Value Each Of Our Teammates For Helping Us Alway Do Our Best To Be The Best

List of employees [45]