Company Profile #46913
HighWay_Brothers Transportation
No awards were received.
HighWay Brothers transports is a company created by 2 brothers. Truck with us, become friends, become family.
1 609
No limit
1 000
-Must have trucksbook APP downloaded to your PC
-Run at least 1,000 miles/month. (if you cant on any month, just inform a manager or Dispatch)
-Mind the company speed limit of 77MPH. do not go above 79 or your miles will not count for real mils.
-Be friendly. Disrespect to anyone in the company AND on the road, will not be tolerated. Respect goes along way. if there is an issue with someone in the company, please contact manager or owner for the situation to be handled calmly.
-There is NO arguing of any kind within the company or on the road with other company drivers. (if another company's manager comes to me with info about one of my drivers that's negative, that driver can and will be resigned from the company depending on the issue)
-There will be a facebook group, discord, and a chat on TrucksBook set up. You do NOT NEED to join if you do not want to. But will be there for those who would like to keep updated for scheduled convoys, competitions, easier contact with the company and such things.
---if dispatch sends you a job and it doesnt work, here is the work around for it to work. ((accept job from trucksbook. sign in. it will come to a screen of your saved games. "sometimes it wont show any saves" just press the X and back out of game. then reaccept the job from trucksbook. sign in again. and click the 1st saved game on the top of the list of saves when promted. it will then sign you in and your job will be in game))
-Run at least 1,000 miles/month. (if you cant on any month, just inform a manager or Dispatch)
-Mind the company speed limit of 77MPH. do not go above 79 or your miles will not count for real mils.
-Be friendly. Disrespect to anyone in the company AND on the road, will not be tolerated. Respect goes along way. if there is an issue with someone in the company, please contact manager or owner for the situation to be handled calmly.
-There is NO arguing of any kind within the company or on the road with other company drivers. (if another company's manager comes to me with info about one of my drivers that's negative, that driver can and will be resigned from the company depending on the issue)
-There will be a facebook group, discord, and a chat on TrucksBook set up. You do NOT NEED to join if you do not want to. But will be there for those who would like to keep updated for scheduled convoys, competitions, easier contact with the company and such things.
---if dispatch sends you a job and it doesnt work, here is the work around for it to work. ((accept job from trucksbook. sign in. it will come to a screen of your saved games. "sometimes it wont show any saves" just press the X and back out of game. then reaccept the job from trucksbook. sign in again. and click the 1st saved game on the top of the list of saves when promted. it will then sign you in and your job will be in game))