Company Profile #45576

Cowboy Transport

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Welcome to CHIEF LOGISTICS!!!! Please read the RULES. We are a company that simulates what it would be like to drive in real life. Please be respectful and obey all the rules. Most of all have a good time.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS Limit 3 000 mi

1. Be respectful to everyone
2. Your truck speed limit shall not exceed 65MPH, even if the speed limit is higher than that.
3. Obey all road laws.
4. Must use company colors and paint scheme if available.
5. Drivers must use their flashers when inside company yards.
6. Any rules broken will result in a 1st warning. If actions are not changed a 2nd warning will be given. If still no change in actions it will result in immediate termination from the company.
List of employees [3]