Company Profile #43596
The company was dissolved!

No awards were received.
Free Wheelin' Gaming Community abides by Facebook, Discord and Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) guidance against Online Harassment and Bullying. Playing games with your friends. Hanging out in a Community of peoples. Making connections and having fun is our aim. We do not take kindly to online bullying, mistrust and any form of Cyber Bullying quoted in Free Wheelin' Gaming Community conforms to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and revised its rules for the Community on 19 January 2020 in order to further protect its members from online blackmail, outing and trickery.
Free Wheelin & Gaming Community is against Cyber Bullying.
Free Wheelin & Gaming Community is against Cyber Bullying.
Real + Race

Real + Race

Real + Race
General Rules:
1. No Speaking about other VTCs that are not part of our convoy or on our streams.
2. No personal information to be posted or spoken about in any channels unless the individual has given you permission to post it.
3. No personal information to be announced while someone is streaming.
4. No taking sides of a situation that you are not involved in & let the Owner / Manager / Representative / Dispatcher deal with it.
5. No posting, verbal bitching or backstabbing on issues that you are having with another member in any of the chats as immature behaviour may get you permanently removed with zero warning and no explanation will be given. A zero tolerance of those who create animosity on any Free Wheelin owned communicative media is absolute! See Rule 6.
6. Any issues or conflict of interests that you have with any members, you are to private message one of the Directing Staff (DS) which is OWNER, MANAGER, REPRESENTATIVE & DISPATCHER). Think carefully how you word the private message as immature behaviour may get you removed with zero warning and no explanation will be given. DS will investigate, consult and act. DS decision making is voted and passed to OWNER. The Owner's decision is final and non-negotiable.
7. No discrimination of ANY Kind. If banter gets out of hand it is easy to apologise and make amends. Think before you commit! Discrimination against age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religious belief, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated at any time. If DS state STOP STOP STOP it means that the banter is out of hand and the subject of conversation is to be changed immediately.
8. All members will attend a community meeting that is held once a month within the first week of the month. Members who fail to attend & fail to give reason for not attending will be contacted by DS. Persistent 'Failure to Attend' (FTA) with no justification given to a member of DS is seen as 'you are not interested'. 3 consecutive FTA will result in you being permanently removed.
9. New members are on a probational period. They are not judged on miles or bans. Probation Period is to make sure they are okay, to make sure they fit in with the Community and supported by DS for a period of one month. New Members will be known as PROSPECTS. At the end of the probation period DS will meet and discuss Prospects. Points discussed are 1. The Prospects attitude. 2. Their interaction with Members and Directing Staff (DS). A decision is to be made if the New Prospect is to remain with our VTC as a Member. If voted to remain the Prospect will then be known as Member.
10. Potential new employees will go through a simple scripted interview in Discord before they are offered a place in the VTC.
11. VTC Truck Colours are Red, White, Blue on any truck skin you want and on any truck you want.
12. VTC Tag is FREEWHEELIN and is to be in GREEN
13. When picking a job or pressing y y enter. All VTC Members are to press y and type #freewheelin. After typing this once you can press y and the up arrow and find #freewheelin and press enter.
These are very hefty rules. They are written to discourage poor behaviour and misconduct. Our Community rules are a mirror image of social media community guidelines. The rules are set in place to protect human beings in a gaming environment over online communications and encourage an environment that is relaxed, fun and inviting to all. Trolling, incitement by talking / shouting over the top of others, abuse, and inciting people to harass others online will not be tolerated. UK Law applies in every aspect and a degree of human decency will be sustained. Automatic dismissal with permanent banning from Discord will apply to those who fail to comply.
Convoy Rules:
1. Everybody has a go at convoy leading in turns by the way of the name list in discord.
If your turn is next and you do not want to convoy lead you may pass on to the next person or ask for a person of your choice to lead.
2. No overtaking, single file only, unless there is a serious lag issue and the driver in front states lag.
3. The convoy leader and the last person of the convoy should be in communication at all times with DS spread out among the convoy to keep watch for any gaps in the convoy or a break in convoy by a non-member.
4. Only the convoy leader and the last person of the convoy are to have beacons on when the convoy is not moving on a road. UNLESS STATED by a convoy leader that the job in hand requires beacons. TMP Rules are to be adhered to at all times for the use of beacons.
5. If you are wanting to stop for every light please drop to the back of the convoy so that no splits in the convoy are forced. Only stop for red lights if there are other drivers around and it is busy in the area that you are in. The application of common sense prevails.
6. The convoy leader in turn is the only person to pick a job. Please make sure everyone confirms they have it before starting the countdown from 3 to 1 and then please state ''begin delivery''
7. Please keep a decent size gap in between each other to allow for lag or server issues (1 green triangle marker on GPS). If you experience lag, state Lag & let the convoy pass you. Then go to the back of the convoy until your lag is resolved.
8. No crashing into other players. If you have a collision and you are not at fault, please don't retaliate just STOP & REPORT via TMP reporting procedures.
9. Once picking a job and you enter the job market all are to stay quiet in Discord until asked to confirm if you have the job. Only when the convoy leader states begin delivery can you resume chatting & banter.
10. The convoy leader has a job to do along with the last vehicle in the convoy. When they talk, everyone stops talking. Just remember it’s your turn to lead soon!
11. Free Wheeling. If the convoy leader, or DS states "Free Wheeling Granted" you have clear cut permission to break convoy and get to your destination. You are to park up at closest Red Spanner and wait out for all of the convoy to meet at the Red Spanner.
1. No Speaking about other VTCs that are not part of our convoy or on our streams.
2. No personal information to be posted or spoken about in any channels unless the individual has given you permission to post it.
3. No personal information to be announced while someone is streaming.
4. No taking sides of a situation that you are not involved in & let the Owner / Manager / Representative / Dispatcher deal with it.
5. No posting, verbal bitching or backstabbing on issues that you are having with another member in any of the chats as immature behaviour may get you permanently removed with zero warning and no explanation will be given. A zero tolerance of those who create animosity on any Free Wheelin owned communicative media is absolute! See Rule 6.
6. Any issues or conflict of interests that you have with any members, you are to private message one of the Directing Staff (DS) which is OWNER, MANAGER, REPRESENTATIVE & DISPATCHER). Think carefully how you word the private message as immature behaviour may get you removed with zero warning and no explanation will be given. DS will investigate, consult and act. DS decision making is voted and passed to OWNER. The Owner's decision is final and non-negotiable.
7. No discrimination of ANY Kind. If banter gets out of hand it is easy to apologise and make amends. Think before you commit! Discrimination against age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religious belief, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated at any time. If DS state STOP STOP STOP it means that the banter is out of hand and the subject of conversation is to be changed immediately.
8. All members will attend a community meeting that is held once a month within the first week of the month. Members who fail to attend & fail to give reason for not attending will be contacted by DS. Persistent 'Failure to Attend' (FTA) with no justification given to a member of DS is seen as 'you are not interested'. 3 consecutive FTA will result in you being permanently removed.
9. New members are on a probational period. They are not judged on miles or bans. Probation Period is to make sure they are okay, to make sure they fit in with the Community and supported by DS for a period of one month. New Members will be known as PROSPECTS. At the end of the probation period DS will meet and discuss Prospects. Points discussed are 1. The Prospects attitude. 2. Their interaction with Members and Directing Staff (DS). A decision is to be made if the New Prospect is to remain with our VTC as a Member. If voted to remain the Prospect will then be known as Member.
10. Potential new employees will go through a simple scripted interview in Discord before they are offered a place in the VTC.
11. VTC Truck Colours are Red, White, Blue on any truck skin you want and on any truck you want.
12. VTC Tag is FREEWHEELIN and is to be in GREEN
13. When picking a job or pressing y y enter. All VTC Members are to press y and type #freewheelin. After typing this once you can press y and the up arrow and find #freewheelin and press enter.
These are very hefty rules. They are written to discourage poor behaviour and misconduct. Our Community rules are a mirror image of social media community guidelines. The rules are set in place to protect human beings in a gaming environment over online communications and encourage an environment that is relaxed, fun and inviting to all. Trolling, incitement by talking / shouting over the top of others, abuse, and inciting people to harass others online will not be tolerated. UK Law applies in every aspect and a degree of human decency will be sustained. Automatic dismissal with permanent banning from Discord will apply to those who fail to comply.
Convoy Rules:
1. Everybody has a go at convoy leading in turns by the way of the name list in discord.
If your turn is next and you do not want to convoy lead you may pass on to the next person or ask for a person of your choice to lead.
2. No overtaking, single file only, unless there is a serious lag issue and the driver in front states lag.
3. The convoy leader and the last person of the convoy should be in communication at all times with DS spread out among the convoy to keep watch for any gaps in the convoy or a break in convoy by a non-member.
4. Only the convoy leader and the last person of the convoy are to have beacons on when the convoy is not moving on a road. UNLESS STATED by a convoy leader that the job in hand requires beacons. TMP Rules are to be adhered to at all times for the use of beacons.
5. If you are wanting to stop for every light please drop to the back of the convoy so that no splits in the convoy are forced. Only stop for red lights if there are other drivers around and it is busy in the area that you are in. The application of common sense prevails.
6. The convoy leader in turn is the only person to pick a job. Please make sure everyone confirms they have it before starting the countdown from 3 to 1 and then please state ''begin delivery''
7. Please keep a decent size gap in between each other to allow for lag or server issues (1 green triangle marker on GPS). If you experience lag, state Lag & let the convoy pass you. Then go to the back of the convoy until your lag is resolved.
8. No crashing into other players. If you have a collision and you are not at fault, please don't retaliate just STOP & REPORT via TMP reporting procedures.
9. Once picking a job and you enter the job market all are to stay quiet in Discord until asked to confirm if you have the job. Only when the convoy leader states begin delivery can you resume chatting & banter.
10. The convoy leader has a job to do along with the last vehicle in the convoy. When they talk, everyone stops talking. Just remember it’s your turn to lead soon!
11. Free Wheeling. If the convoy leader, or DS states "Free Wheeling Granted" you have clear cut permission to break convoy and get to your destination. You are to park up at closest Red Spanner and wait out for all of the convoy to meet at the Red Spanner.