Company Profile #42567
TJD Trucking Industries

No awards were received.
Texas Justice Department Trucking Industries was founded by Jaden V. The community is a branch of the FiveM community Texas Justice Department RP. Our drivers are highly trained and experienced. We offer a ranking system along with staff/admin positions. We encourage our members to drive as realistically as possible at all times. We have certain rules and policies set in place to assure our members are professional. THERE IS NO APPLICATION. Only a short interview to assure you are a qualified candidate. Join our discord
No limit

1. If you seek assistance please ask the Staff Team. Do not private message the owners unless your topic is urgent and VERY IMPORTANT. Chain of Command MUST be used at all times! The only people who should be messaging the Owners are the Admin Team.
2. Admin/Staff Team words are final, don’t argue with them in the chats/verbally or try and loophole the rules. This also means arguing a 10-90 or disrespecting any member of the TJD Staff Team this includes but not limited to the following (Head Administration, Senior Administration, Administration, Junior Administration, Senior Staff, Staff)
3. No NSFW content, including links or pics of violence, gore, hate crimes, racism, sexism or just unwholesome stuff (unless a picture/screenshot of a game).
4. No spamming of any kind.
5. Don’t scream or make obnoxious noises in voice channels especially when there is a staff member in there, you will be kicked from the channel.
6. Don’t impersonate people.
7. Don't leak DM's
8. Don’t spam connect and disconnect in voice channels.
9. Posting links and pics of explicit content is forbidden. Keep all other links in their appropriate channels.
10. Don’t self-advertise.
11. Threats of suicide and self-harm are not allowed.
12. Don’t ask for promotions or rank hint at any time.
13. Threats of rape, bomb threats, death threats or anything like that will result in an immediate ban.
14. If you would like to be part of a live stream or recording, ask the member that is live streaming and recording.
15. Be respectful to all members(Including name-calling, derogatory terms, racial slurs, swearing, etc.)
16. Don’t post personal information, whether it be yours or someone else’s, it will result in a ban. (This goes for phone numbers, emails, addresses, and IPs)
17. Don't harass or annoy other users (Overall, don't be a prick, or it will result in a kick/ban.) This includes coercion and manipulation of other members. (Forcing members to do things they are unwilling to do)
18. Don't talk about, Politics, religion, and any other controversial topics are to be avoided.
19. By joining our server we expect everyone to respect each other no matter what race, color, religion, etc.
20. All members with issues must direct it to the proper chain of command, if you have a question about the server or a complaint or problem direct to any Admin, afterward they will either deal with it or advise you to contact a Head Admin.
21. No hacking or illegal activity, such as torrents and illegal downloads; this will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to the local authority.
22. Please do not post inappropriate material (Nude pics, racist remarks, personal attacks, etc.)
2. Admin/Staff Team words are final, don’t argue with them in the chats/verbally or try and loophole the rules. This also means arguing a 10-90 or disrespecting any member of the TJD Staff Team this includes but not limited to the following (Head Administration, Senior Administration, Administration, Junior Administration, Senior Staff, Staff)
3. No NSFW content, including links or pics of violence, gore, hate crimes, racism, sexism or just unwholesome stuff (unless a picture/screenshot of a game).
4. No spamming of any kind.
5. Don’t scream or make obnoxious noises in voice channels especially when there is a staff member in there, you will be kicked from the channel.
6. Don’t impersonate people.
7. Don't leak DM's
8. Don’t spam connect and disconnect in voice channels.
9. Posting links and pics of explicit content is forbidden. Keep all other links in their appropriate channels.
10. Don’t self-advertise.
11. Threats of suicide and self-harm are not allowed.
12. Don’t ask for promotions or rank hint at any time.
13. Threats of rape, bomb threats, death threats or anything like that will result in an immediate ban.
14. If you would like to be part of a live stream or recording, ask the member that is live streaming and recording.
15. Be respectful to all members(Including name-calling, derogatory terms, racial slurs, swearing, etc.)
16. Don’t post personal information, whether it be yours or someone else’s, it will result in a ban. (This goes for phone numbers, emails, addresses, and IPs)
17. Don't harass or annoy other users (Overall, don't be a prick, or it will result in a kick/ban.) This includes coercion and manipulation of other members. (Forcing members to do things they are unwilling to do)
18. Don't talk about, Politics, religion, and any other controversial topics are to be avoided.
19. By joining our server we expect everyone to respect each other no matter what race, color, religion, etc.
20. All members with issues must direct it to the proper chain of command, if you have a question about the server or a complaint or problem direct to any Admin, afterward they will either deal with it or advise you to contact a Head Admin.
21. No hacking or illegal activity, such as torrents and illegal downloads; this will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to the local authority.
22. Please do not post inappropriate material (Nude pics, racist remarks, personal attacks, etc.)