Company Profile #41024

Canadian Dragon Delivery Inc.

CDD Inc.
Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Canadian Dragon Delivery Service - Delivery In Canada and around the world.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 Limit 2 000 km
Real + Race
ATS Limit 2 000 mi
Real + Race
Rules - ATS & EST2

1. Try to Follow the rales of the road.
- Going the right way on the roads, So no wrong ways.
- When other people is in the area, follow the rules of the road, so stop at the lights when it’s red, also stop at the stop signs as well and check around you, so you won’t got hit by someone.
- No speeding on the roads. So no more then 130km/h or 80mi/h on the highways and about 50km/h or 25mi/h in the city, so don’t go any faster then that.
2. When on TruckerMP, Behave yourself;
- Do NOT block the roads, eateries and exits to places, other people are trying to get in to.
- Do NOT use foul language in the game, because there be kids playing on this game.
- Don’t RAM or trolling other people in the games.
3. If you need to learn how to drive in the game, play on SP without any mods, before you go on TruckerMP, so you know how it’s work, so take it easy.
So, if you don't follow the rules, you be Fired, that's if your Steaming.
List of employees [1]