Company Profile #3688

Fidus Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Fidus VTC is a cool company that goes about things quite casually, yet professionally. It needs to be fun and enjoyable to be a driver here, without too many restrictions and rules.

​Pick your truck, start the engine and roll out on an adventure, delivering goods and watching the company stats grow as the jobs come in!
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
General Rules

• Remain respectful of others at all times. This means no insulting, no personal attacks and no discrimination of any kind. If there's an issue, bring it to the attention of management.

• Keep discussions of religion, politics and any other potentially sensitive topics to a minimum. While we don't want to censor discussions too much, we would like to keep this a friendly and carefree environment for everyone regardless of their beliefs or opinions.

• Do not post offensive, explicit or illegal material.

• Try to use the appropriate channels for what you're posting about and stay on topic as much as possible.

• Download links for company mods are not to be shared to people who are not part of the VTC. Our staff and members have put a lot of time and effort into them so please respect that.

• If you're representing the VTC on other forums, groups or discord servers please respect their rules and make sure you're acting appropriately.

VTC Policies

• For the most part we ask that you use the company skins/trucks, however, we understand that it's nice to have a change and so the use of company skins/trucks is not required at all times.

• When customising Fidus trucks, keep them relatively clean looking. Keep excessive amounts of lights and exterior add-ons to a minimum, if you're unsure about something please ask a member of management.

• Open ETS using the TrucksBook client so that your loads can be logged automatically. While we don't expect constant activity, we do need to see that drivers are logging loads for the company.

• Have fun. The number one priority is that members of Fidus enjoy being a part of it, our policies are there to ensure a sense of realism within the company and not to force members to do things they don't want to do. Try to follow the policies but don't let them impede your enjoyment of the game.

• Join our Discord to easily communicate with colleagues
List of employees [3]