Company Profile #2997
The company was dissolved!
FrankCon Logistics

No awards were received.
We Treat everyone like Family. We do convoys when we can. We are a wonderful community. We have fun and always up for a challenge. we treat echother with respect.
We Are a fun, Hardworking group of guys that love to have fun. we treat all of our members, with the highest respect. as well as treating them as if they like family. if you like what your reading please steam message Frank [FCL] CEO and Frank_164 Members are welcome to join TruckBooks
We Are a fun, Hardworking group of guys that love to have fun. we treat all of our members, with the highest respect. as well as treating them as if they like family. if you like what your reading please steam message Frank [FCL] CEO and Frank_164 Members are welcome to join TruckBooks
No limit

must respect everyone in the company no matter situation (drivers and management)
must be on discord and in a room while doing loads
Must run company colors unless you are in sp unless otherwised told (if you want to run other colors on your truck ask management)
must have your driver tags showned n proper (ex. FrankCon Logistics name [FCL] rank)
must attend all company mettings (if you cant let management know)
must deliver ten loads per mounth in sp or mp
keep swearing to a minimal
max is 70 mph (113 kph) on highway 40 mph (65 kph) in city
hazards in use while backing up, loadingunloading and stopped on the side of the road
use indicators while turning
yeild to all traffic while merging on highway and going inout of companies
must stop at all railroad crossings
management will always lead the convoys unless otherwised told
must use external contracts in convoy
must stay in position in the convoy unless management tells otherwise
no pilot cars unless management approves it
no passing while driving on the interstate unless approved
management will set speed of convoy
laggers will be in the back no exceptions unless leading the convoy
must be on discord and in a room while doing loads
Must run company colors unless you are in sp unless otherwised told (if you want to run other colors on your truck ask management)
must have your driver tags showned n proper (ex. FrankCon Logistics name [FCL] rank)
must attend all company mettings (if you cant let management know)
must deliver ten loads per mounth in sp or mp
keep swearing to a minimal
max is 70 mph (113 kph) on highway 40 mph (65 kph) in city
hazards in use while backing up, loadingunloading and stopped on the side of the road
use indicators while turning
yeild to all traffic while merging on highway and going inout of companies
must stop at all railroad crossings
management will always lead the convoys unless otherwised told
must use external contracts in convoy
must stay in position in the convoy unless management tells otherwise
no pilot cars unless management approves it
no passing while driving on the interstate unless approved
management will set speed of convoy
laggers will be in the back no exceptions unless leading the convoy