Company Profile #26463

WD Records

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description

- Fondata in o mie 900 toamna, compania de transport international WD Records, continua sa recruteze cei mai talentati soferi din toate colturile lumii.
- An de an, livrare cu livrare, parteneriate dupa parteneriate, de la simple transporturi locale si de la mici relatii interumane, WD Records a crescut treptat in performanta pana in prezentul in care am atins un standard sub care nu ne putem cobori.
- Structura companiei are la baza combinatia ideala a celor doua mari ideologii bine definite si bine incastrate in straturile neatinse inca de perceptiile si nivelul cunoasterii simplului om de rand si anume: perseverenta & opulenta. Doua figuri de stil irelevante luate separat, dar impreuna dand nastere invincibilului. Dupa cum spunea si marele Filosof Romanotaran Curcupar [fs.pele.2018.lvl42] '' decat sarac si bolnav, mai bine bogat si sanatos''

Cerinte minima pe care trebuie sa le detina orice angajat WD Records

==> Nu exista cerinte minime
==> Cu toate ca ets/ats sunt clasate in categoria ''simulation of beeing'', trebuie tratat ca un simplu joc pe care il controlezi cu un deget in taste si cu altul in c** (aviz fosilelor ce abia reusesc sa 'aprinda' PC-ul si se auto declara IT-istii p**ii sculate)
==> Actiunile in speta de trolling sunt excluse (aviz mucosilor ce nu stiu cum arata bancnota de 1 leu)
==> Nu exista program de joaca, fiecare joaca cand i se scoala.
==> Pentru comunicare se utilizeaza DC, exclus TS (poti folosi si TS doar in cazul in care doresti sa vorbesti singur)


Un alt mare filosof Romanotaran White_Demon_Destroyer [wot.2016.wtr7800] spunea: ''daca vrei sa te distrezi, te joci ets, daca vrei sa te distrezi si mai mult, iti cumperi versiunea originala, daca vrei sa te distrezi si mai mult, iti faci cont pe MP, daca vrei sa te distrezi si mai mult, iti cauti o companie virtuala si te joci ets cu colegii din companie, daca vrei sa fii cel mai bun dintre colegii tai din companie, te joci suplimentar, daca vrei ca munca ta suplimentara sa fie rasplatita, ai nevoie de premiile ce le ofera compania, daca vrei sa intri in posesia premiilor ce le ofera compania, tragi tare munca suplimentara pentru a intra in posesia acestora, tragi si mai tare pentru ca si colegii tai vor face la fel. Fara a ne da seama, intram intr-o competitie ce nu are sfarsit, intram intr-o competitie in care distractia pentru care am obtat nu-si mai gaseste locul''. Asadar ca un rezumat la ce a spus filosoful de mai sus: unde exista competitie, nu exista distractie!
Se vor acorda premii in functie de activitate si la considerentul Liderului companiei.

Company's feautures:
WD RECORDS (Well Done Records) dispune de cel mai calificat personal avand la dispozitie cele mai noi si performante metode de management in ceea ce priveste progresul angajatilor pe toata durata carierei lor.

- Founded in 900 thousand autumn, the international transport company WD Records, continues to recruit the most talented drivers from all over the world.
- Year after year, delivery by delivery, partnership after partnership, from simple local shipments and small human relationships, WD Records has gradually grown in performance until now where we have reached a standard below which we cannot descend.
- The structure of the company is based on the ideal combination of the two great ideologies well defined and well embedded in the layers not yet touched by the perceptions and level of knowledge of the simple common man, namely: perseverance & opulence. Two irrelevant figures of speech taken separately, but together giving birth to the invincible. As the great Romanotaran philosopher Curcupar said [fs.pele.2018.lvl42] "than poor and sick, better rich and healthy."

Minimum requirements that every WD Records employee must have
==> No minimum requirements
==> Although ets/ats are classified in the "simulation of beeing" category, it should be treated as a simple game that you control with one finger in the keys and the other in the c** (notice of fossils that barely manage to "turn on" the PC and declare themselves IT p**ii tools)
==> Trolling actions are excluded (notice to mucos who do not know what the 1 leu banknote looks like)
==> There is no play schedule, everyone plays when they are in school.
==> DC is used for communication, excluding TS (you can also use TS only if you want to talk alone)

Another great Romanian philosopher White_Demon_Destroyer [wot.2016.wtr7800] said: "if you want to have fun, you play ets, if you want to have even more fun, you buy the original version, if you want to have even more fun, you sign up for MP, if you want to have even more fun, you look for a virtual company and you play ets with colleagues in the company, If you want to be the best of your colleagues in the company, you play extra, if you want your extra work to be rewarded, you need the prizes that the company offers, if you want to take possession of the prizes that the company offers, you pull hard the extra work to get them, you pull even harder because your colleagues will do the same. Without realizing it, we are entering a competition that has no end, we are entering a competition where the fun we have obtained for no longer finds its place." So as a summary of what the philosopher said above: where there is competition, there is no fun!
Prizes will be awarded depending on the activity and at the consideration of the Company Leader.

WD RECORDS (Well Done Records) has the most qualified staff with the latest and most advanced management methods regarding the progress of employees throughout their career.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
No rules!
List of employees [4]