Company Profile #25147

The company was dissolved!

Coffee Fueled Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
We are a trucking company who value the sense of community that comes with working in a team. Our employees include streamers and TFM Radio show hosts such as Mr_Jay_UK.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
1) NO forum chat abuse/Spam of any sort allowed.
2) No attempting to manipulate/cheat the VTC system.
3) Always be friendly and courteous to others in the company both in chat and on the road (Including CB). Remember, you represent the company, not just yourself.

While tracking for the company on Multiplayer, make sure you use the tag "Coffee Fueled Trucking" or "CFT" (not mandatory, but highly recommended)

Any infringement of the above rules may result in dismissal from the company, at the discretion of management.