Company Profile #2470

The company was dissolved!

Gordon Gilder Transport VTC

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Hi guys so i made this company because i am a fan of it and i got skins and trailer skins also my dad works for them.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
VTC Rules: - Report all your fueling and truck maintenance - When using The Triplogger: Add your toll & Train/Boat cost manually into your journey before they are accepted - Do not accept your own reports Multiplayer Rules: - Truck paint scheme unrestricted, as long it includes the Gordon Gilder colors (Green/silver/Red) - It be cool if you set your custom number plate to be: (LETTER)(NUMBER)(NUMBER) GGG example (D14 GGG) & your steam name to include the prefix: [GORDON GILDER DRIVER] - Behave, when you drive for Gordon Gilder you are also representing us, so follow the MP rules.